I could not stand Trauma Hound, and I miss Francois.
Posters you miss?
by ApagaLaLuz 110 Replies latest jw friends
I also miss animal & LB. Lb especially, he was insightful & funny.
I can't imagine why anyone would miss Trauma Hound. Not even a little bit.
Gee, stacy. Maybe it's because he helped a l ot of people on this board? Maybe? In hs long time here. He was a hot head, but helped far more people than he yelled at, plus, a lot of them deserved it. Just because you are a smart girl & an interseting poster does'nt mean others don't have a right to their opinion. You have only been here since AUGUST. Keep that in mind. -
Where's OUTLAW???
Friend and Jang
Missed so much by me and by all who's lives they touched. I remember them for their wisdom and contributions but most of all for their support and kind words. Rest In Peace my friends. You're not forgotten...
There are many others who don't post or who have moved on. I miss them too and hope life is good for them.
Unfortunately some of the people listed so far have voluntarily burned bridges here and then as a furtherance went somewhere else to be equally ugly. No thanks...I do miss pr_capone though and I think xenawarrior is busy wrestling w/the squirrels out in the back yard and working on some new bead project....
District Overbeer
I don't miss the ones who had behavioural problems and were just seeking attention.
I always enjoyed Gedankens posts, he was brilliant. Maximus too. Amazing for his insight and my own particular favourite, Seeker 4.
I really miss windchaser! She is one of my best friends, and always will be.
msil/gravedancer (good poetry)
jonjon (rip)
Mark and Stephen for their wonderful songs.
Bitter Mango -awesome art and craziness
I don't miss stinkypantz at all.
Or Trauma Hound
Or Jan H
Or Mr. Moe
Or Berylbluex12
I "see" them everyday.....
RedHorse Woman
French Baby Face...where in paradise did she go?
Fred Hall, Yadirf, You Know, Ladonna(That woman could make me laugh so hard and what a beautiful voice she had. She sang for us once on Yahoo), OUTLAW. JonJon(RIP). I know there are more, but am drawing a blank at the moment.