On your 21st birthday

by Stacy Smith 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    Thank you sns. Isn't it nice to be able to celebrate a harmless happy day? My parents have really made up for lost time with birthdays and Christmas and guess who reaps the benefits there?????

    It's nice to see mom with happy tears these days.

    Happy tears sounds nice.. glad she has them for you.............and that your parents have made up for lost time..

    Next month I celebrate my first bday ever.. as well as first xmas.. Im kind of excited.. I have lots to make up for!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Go out in service.

    But my fiancee got me a bottle of 12 year scotch. But then I drank half the bottle the day of our wedding.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I was still an active JW on my 21st birthday, so I didn't recognize it.

    However, my birthday falls on or near Thanksgiving (it's coming up next week), so I went to my (non-JW) mother's house and ate Thanksgiving dinner with her and the family. Why did I do this? Because everyone in my congregation was having turkey, cranberry sauce, and stuffing on Thanksgiving day, except they weren't calling it Thanksgiving. Their logic was "turkey is on sale at this time of year". So, as long as I didn't refer to the meal as a Thanksgiving meal, I was not despicable in Jehovah's eyes.

  • nilfun
    I still have a few months to go but I'm planning my day.

    Depending on how many more months you have to go, you could celebrate it by voting for Bush...again.

  • SheilaM

    I think I was 9 months pregnant and raising a daughter LOL Enjoy yor birthday and do you have a good idea for a gift on a 21st Birthday from a parent? My daughter will be 21 the 29th of this month and I want to get something nice for her???

  • Valis

    Oh my...well first off it was the first day I went in and didn't feel sketchy about buying beer...then it was about 40 hits of LSD at myy nice home in the country of North Texas...it was all good till one of my buddie's wives came over and started raising hell..freaked him out and he stomped on her car and broke her windshield...I promptly left..but it ended up bad for me anyway. Great hallucinations, but shitty people all around me...and eventually got me in trouble.


    District Overbeer

  • DakotaRed

    I had plans to be sitting at the bar I had been frequenting and show the bartender I was now legally 21 right after midnight. Unfortunately, when my day came, I was at Lane Army Heliport at An Son holding an M-16 on perimeter guard that night.

    The next night, I hit the E-club and got stinking drunk on Pabst beer (all we had available)

  • Piph

    I went to a gas station and bought a beer. Then I drank it with my dub friend while watching Star Trek Voyager.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, I can see you are a poker kind of gal, Stace. Do you smoke cigars? My mind is conjuring up this image...

    Dakota, I like Pabst. It's a little sweet and burns your mouth like coca~cola.

    I think I spent the day with my daughter who was less than a year old. Then I went to a college class that night. It was an English class about writing essays.

    Drinking age was 18 in Georgia when I turned 18. The next night, my boyfriend who turned 18th the day after me, bought some bourbon and we drank some. I was tipsy and he was drunk. I decided I didn't like bourbon. I was studying with the JWs, but I bought him Neil Young's After The Goldrush cassette tape as a present. To this day listening to it makes me think of that autumn.

    21 was a much more responsible birthday.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Well Sheila I would suppose it depends on her interests. I'm a cyclist and last birthday my parents upgraded my mountain bike to a very nice one. I ride it daily so my parents chose wisely on that one.

    For my 21st I know what I want and so do my parents. For my gift it might seem obvious but a trip to vegas would be a great gift. Now if I had my choice I'd actually pick a trip to hawaii but that's probably out of reach.

    I think another consideration is making a gift that will be around for many years. I mean a vacation would be great but having something tangible that you can look at years down the road might be more special. such as jewelry. Maybe a necklace with 21 diamonds????

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