I know many on here are Atheist. But for the Christians on here...what religion are you now that you are no longer a JW? I'm still undecided as to whether I believe in God. I have been doing a lot of research on evolution. However, I want to delve into creationism as well to see what makes the most sense to me. My ideal christian religion would not promote a strict, literal interpretation of the bible...but would view it as a loose reflection of God (perhaps mis-translated and mis-adapted to fit the ideals of the time period). Like, I will always believe that God (if he were real) would still accept those who were homosexual, were Muslim or Buddhist or whatever, as long as they were GOOD PEOPLE and don't purposefully hurt others without apology. Does any christian-based religion teach this? What are the base principles of whatever religion you are involved in?
Question for Christians: What Religion are You Now?
by LaurenM 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have been doing a lot of research on evolution. However, I want to delve into creationism as well to see what makes the most sense to me.
I have been researching evolution for 10 years and I am still only scratching the surface.
There is nothing to research in creationism. "Complexity - therefore Jesus, the end".
If you have any questions about evolution let me know.
Personally, I can't see myself involved in another religion. To me, it is all just a business using Christ or some other God's name. However, I do believe in God and creationism. The universe is too beautiful and has too much order to believe that a random explosion created it. I just don't believe that God is behind the WT. As far as core principles, at this point I just believe we are supposed to love and help one another. Just my 2 cents.
The universe is too beautiful and has too much order to believe that a random explosion created it.
Perhaps it would be good to invest some time and effort investigating the evidence.
Every living thing evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years. This fact is beyond dispute.
Giles Gray
LaurenM -"I'm still undecided as to whether I believe in God. I have been doing a lot of research on evolution. However, I want to delve into creationism"
The theory of evolution doesn't rule out a creator. Some theists reconcile the two.
I will always believe that God (if he were real) would still accept those who were homosexual, were Muslim or Buddhist or whatever, as long as they were GOOD PEOPLE and don't purposefully hurt others without apology.
That is actually what most Catholics and most mainstream protestants already believe.
Also, further to Giles Gray's comment, most Christian religions accept evolution as a fact. Almost all the ones that don't are smaller fundamentalist ones that have originated in USA.
Do you realise their are over 40,000 Christian sects in the world today ? 40,000 ,and their has been no God to intervene and point out who is the right one .
Supposedly God dealt with humans before the Christian era on a regular basis ,using Angels , dreams , visions prophets , both male and female ,and really had a good communication with his creation. According to the Hebrew Scriptures known as the Old Testament.
Of course people in those days had no knowledge of modern science , technology , or critical thinking ability.
Dont you think it strange that Jehovah God has changed his approach to communicating with humans ?
To the point of not communicating at all with them ? no Angels ,no dreams , no prophets either male or female ,
and no visions ?
Apparently Holy Spirit never existed in the Old Testament because it never ever led to new light that is used by the WTB&TS today.
So does it ? or even should it matter what Christian religion you are today ? No God has ever sanctioned any of them these past 2000 years , why would you believe he / she is going to do so now,?
No religion. Just to explain; I left the JWs and went to a Baptist church, then Anglican and died a religious death at an Elim Pentecostal church.
My view is now that religion (not just Christian), is the creator of evil.
Don't get me started on the existence of a God................but to be perfectly honest, I'm not bothered anymore.
JW's do such a good job discrediting every other religion, so many people who leave do not believe in anything after they leave this cult.
I believe the reason there is religion is because we as humans want to belong to some type of group, after I left the JW's I researched christianity, buddhism, hinduism and islam. I think because I grew up christian I am comfortable with it, but only if it is liberal and makes you feel good.
After being out for over 25years I have now decided god has given us our conscience to live by, if it feels good it is right, if you question and have doubts then it is wrong. You know what is right in your heart, thats what I follow now.
My ideal christian religion would not promote a strict, literal interpretation of the bible...
Eh? Not sure you get to choose your religion? Surely if you are serious about worshipping "a god" or pleasing him then you only choose one that is "the truth"? Your wants and preferences are irrelevant..surely "a religion" is all about what God wants?
And why are you "researching Christianity"? Why not research IF there is a god or not now that you are out of the JW's...because if you can find the answer to that then it will help you in your next step...imagine wasting time researching Christianity IF there is evidence out there that points to the fact that man was not created and no god exists?
Logically, you would want to find out and prove to yourself if there is a god or not prior to finding out what that god wanted?