The Sisters should go 'on strike' and not do any damn thing.
New instructions on not using sisters to manage KH computer ?
by fifth.column 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sisters can't operate the machine that goes "Bing". 🙄
A women operating a computer ? What is next. A monkey driving a car ?
I kid, I kid.
I've always thought it so bizarre that women aren't allowed to do absurdly practical and not at all spiritual things like running mics and working a sound desk.
Oh but the sisters should buck up, they are still qualified for a job that absolutely no elder will ever be caught doing . . .scrub the toilets!.
I know what you mean about cleaning toilets.
I might have helped cleaning a few times in the earlier years of my being in the JW religion - but thereafter I declined. Bullshit on that.
You brought back some memories I had long forgotten. In the early 1990s, I was a young teen who had just gotten baptized. My mother forced me to go in field service with her during the summer months.
So I’d end up having to lead the service meetings and pray during the week because it was only women who were going out in field service. It was a complete joke because here were JW women, including pioneers, who had known JW doctrine far more deeply than I (I daydreamed during meetings), and had decades of life experience over me.
They were far more qualified than I, but because I had a penis and was baptized, I had higher authority over them in such matters. So ridiculous.
This secret inside video of the Governing Body( He-man Woman hater's club) explains everything!! :)
Authoritarian regimes are all about subservience.
Someone’s gotta be on the lowest rung of the ladder…
…otherwise, what’s the point?
Pastor Russell and Rutherford shared the same view of women. They set the standard and it has never changed.
Today WTC is hanging on by their fingernails and still belittling women who make up over 65% of their publisher base. It's a head scratcher.
My mother, her sisters, and my Mother in law, frequently brought up Rutherford's famous quote "Women are nothing but a hank of hair and bag of bones". That quote was followed by some comment that "the brothers" were women haters, misogynistic, male chauvinists, etc....yet they never fully woke up or left the cult before they died...... Strange.