I don’t know if the woman I met yesterday will ever see this. But I will forever remember that day for the rest of my life. My grandfather has been in ICU for the past 3 days. He is getting ready to pass unfortunately. I had to leave the hospital to go get my children from school. I stopped to get gas and a car pulled in the gas station right behind my car. At first I thought she was waiting to get gas. Until she started calling out for me. “Excuse me, I have something for you”. I have never seen this woman a day in my life I was a little nervous at first, any other time I would of ignored someone I did not know and just go about my business. But something compelled me to walk up to this woman’s car. She said we have all lost someone we love, and I have something for you that I know you will find comfort in. Then she handed me a little booklet on grief. I looked at her with a blank stare as I was so confused. How did she know what was happening in my life, I’ve never seen this woman before. I was not even in the town in which I lived. I’m one who usually chalks things up as a coincidence but this seems different. I am not very educated in Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs but I did read the booklet and the woman was right I was able to find some comfort. I don’t know if this was a coincidence or a sign or what it was. But I was at the right place at the right time. I spent the rest of my night in tears. I don’t think she will ever see this but she changed my life in that short encounter. What these people do is a beautiful thing. I appreciate it more than you could know. I apologize if this site is not for these types of things but I had to share with someone it was too much of a amazing thing to not share.
My first encounter
by SB10 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Hello, whoever you are. Welcome.
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather.
I stopped to get gas
I'm guessing you're in America or Canada.
I’m one who usually chalks things up as a coincidence
...and you should continue to.I hate to tell inconvenient truths but.....the JWs have nothing that is of any use for you. It will end in tears. They target the vulnerable and say all the right things to swell their numbers and get money to ensure their leaders remain in luxury.
If you want a quick education into the cult of JWs then study JWFacts.comI'm glad it cheered you up. You need to be careful with this cult.
What do you need to know. Ask here. We won't lie to you but cult members WILL lie to you to entrap you.
PS. Do not give them money.
It's always difficult to deal with the death of a loved one. Yet we all have to deal with that kind of loss. Nobody gets off this planet alive.
Freedom from death was a very strong recruiting tool when it comes to the Jehovah's Witnesses.
The JW's teach that you will be resurrected to live on a paradise earth....... they also taught that 'Millions living today may never die' a powerful message in the 1920's. That teaching was Ignorance coupled with hopefulness. Guess what?
In many respects the JW's are a death cult. They believe they are just about the only people who will survive Armageddon. Leaving billions unprotected.
In their currant beliefs (They change them ..a lot) Thousands die because they can not accept a life saving blood transfusion.
Add in their policy of protecting Pedophiles ( their two witness rule) and you have a mess of a religion.
Please Google JW's and their pedophile problem.
Their Blood Transfusion policy.
Child Baptisms in which a child is held to a life long contract.
JWfacts.com which uses the actual polices and Watchtower writings.
The last person on this planet, from my experience, would not be a JW trying to console me about the loss of a loved one.
A JW may mean right and really care about your loss but they are part of a dangerous cult.
I'm glad you found a measure of comfort.
Just keep in mind, JWs don't really care about you or your grandfather. Their interest is primarily to recruit you to join them (other interests may be "getting their time in, "getting a good experience they can relate at an assembly", and so on).
Your delicate emotional state makes you an especially inviting & vulnerable prospect. Tread cautiously.
days of future passed
I was raised in the Jehovah's witness religion. My mother joined because she wanted to be young forever. They told her she would never go old and die. She would be able to see her family that had died. My sisters and I were told we would never have to worry about graduating school, getting a job or getting married because God's new order would come and we would live on a paradise earth.
They said that 1975 would see that promise come true.
I am 63 and my mother is 83 now. My mother still believes that she will get to paradise - except she knows she will die - since they have changed their story, she has gone thru a terrible depression.
I know now, that this religion like many others, makes their living promising a future that is always in the distance but never realized.
I'm sorry about your Grandfather. I miss my Grandma too.
Half banana
So sorry about your grandfather, he must mean a lot to you.
Jehovah's Witnesses are full of people who were recruited exactly in the manner you describe. Understandably, you are very vulnerable to any consoling ideas at the moment.
The lure of living without death on the face of it would be quite wonderful-- but when an idea is too good to be true-- it truly is too good to be true. Nobody has ever cheated death, we all die and have to come to terms with the uncomfortable truth that life has its beginning and its end.
If you are a person who navigates your existence without reference to facts and reason, the Jehovah's Witness cult could appeal but nevertheless, as we well know on this site, it creates far, far more trouble in a person's life than any benefit it offers in return.
You will do best by celebrating what your grandfather's life meant to you and by grieving for him with your close family or in your own private way.
Anna Marina
The Bible does hold out the hope of the resurrection of the dead, which is a great comfort. Sadly the Watchtower publishers use this as one of their introductions to get you interested in their leaders' property building empire.
You will find genuine comfort in the words of Jesus Christ which are in the Bible. But I urge you not to get involved with this cult.
I too would have given you such literature at one time, now you'd find me tapping on your door to apologise and explain that I didn't realise they had lied to me and I wouldn't wish you to be misled as I had been.
Pete Zahut
JW's have been known to watch the obituaries and send messages to the families of the deceased. I've heard of cases where they hang out at cemeteries and hand out pamphlets. The first thing that came to my mind when reading your post was that this woman followed you from the hospital or was handing out Pham-lets at bus stops and gas stations, or wherever people can be snagged incidentally and or by surprise.They do this every day of the week in every town and city. It's only a matter of time before they run into someone who is having some sort of personal difficulty.
Why would God wait until your grandfather was ill before he reached out to you. Why would he send someone to you at a gas station when there are thousands of terminally ill children be laying in hospitals ?
My father didn't get to become a grandfather because JW's talked him out of having a blood transfusion when he was studying with them. They don't allow it even to save their own children's lives. He died in agony upholding their rules and afterward, they wouldn't allow his JW family to use their Kingdom Hall for his memorial service because he wasn't a baptized JW yet.
Do lots of research before getting involved or at least wait until your grief has subsided and you are thinking clearly. They prey on the vulnerable because the vulnerable are prone to engage in magical thinking.
When I was still a JW, we were trained on how to look for people who are going through difficult times. Easy targets are those who are going through difficult times, that was how they got my mother. All it took was the death of my sister, she was 5 years old at the time, for them to sweet talk themselves into her life. Before that my mother would have nothing to do with the JWs, for her it was the opposite, she would do anything she could to stop others from getting interested in them.
Sorry about your dear grandfather.
Basically this jw stalked you to mark time. She probably saw you in the hospital and followed you. Don't you find this creepy? Isn't it creepy that they are trained to behave this way? Lurking around hospitals, cruising obituary columns to send tracts to the grieving and even lurking in cemeteries to 'offer' their particular brand of 'comfort'.
Their 'comfort' comes at a very high price, please do your research at jwfacts.com
I suggest anyone who would have given you a religious tract of any kind in your emotional state would have made an impact.
Please, please read the horror and painful stories of ex jw's who have endured this so called religion which is really a cult.