Whos Your Friend/SoulMate Here???

by ScoobySnax 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    (((((((((Arrowstar))))))))) My hockey sister! I luuuuurrrrv you!


  • shera

    I care for everyone here****hugs****

    My soul mate would be Petty. Both of us have austic children.


  • Gadget
    As for some of those gorgeous girls in Florida..

    Damn, I knew I should've gone to the fest over there.............

  • patio34

    Golly, there are so many that i consider, or would be a friend of if we were in the same city. There are so many thoughtful and nice posters. I won't say names, because i'd possibly leave out some of my favorites.

    Cheers to Simon's board!


  • ScoobySnax

    OK.....lets get one thing straight here.........When I start a thread of this nature, I expect to seen only 2 words or squash them together, either way they might only make one word....


    'Tis all ya need to know...............

  • ScoobySnax

    I mean who the F IS Farkel........for goodness sake.

  • jgnat

    I like so many posters here. Everyone I have chatted, PM'd or debated with provides their own slant and flavour to the board. Without them all, this board would be cardboard soup. I know if I started listing them all, I will never stop. So I will mention my one friend that I have met in person, because our friendship has been enriched and deepened by personal contact. As lovely as the internet is, it is still just provides a shallow representation of the real person.

    Concerned Mama, a great lady and reliable friend. I am better for knowing you.

  • WildHorses

    SCOOBYSNAX, but then, you already knew that.

  • ScoobySnax

    AND WH......you were the first to know where I was coming from......!

  • WildHorses

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((Scooby)))))))))))))))))))) All I did was to listen. I mean really listen. I seem to learn alot more that way than I do running my mouth.

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