I shared one of these before in which my approach left something to be desired, and I got some flack for that, and rightly so. So if this story doesn't go over well I won't share another... but given how it ended, I just had to share...
A few days ago I took a trip to a nearby city by bus. In the about 20-30 minute window between my connecting buses I walked over to a McDonald's and got a cup of coffee, and when I came back to the little bus station I saw a literature cart sitting unmanned near the doors. I went inside and found two Jehovah's Witnesses (a married couple in their 50s-60s) sitting in a row of chairs behind a window looking out onto the street and the literature cart, I guess they parked the cart outside and were just sitting there behind the glass to make sure no one stole it... which just seemed absurd..The alternative, that they were watching until somebody walked up and took a magazine so they could jump up and go running outside to speak with them, is even more absurd (I realize it's winter but it wasn't very cold that day, either).
I wasn't going to say anything, I'm trying to be less confrontational when I antiwitness, I just show them an article on my phone about Jehovah's Witnesses covering up child sex abuse and then move along. But the woman started listening to a video from www.jw.org and it was loud enough that I could hear it on the other side of the little station which means so could the other 5-6 of us in there. I wasn't sure if she was trying to preach to us indirectly or just didn't care that we were there or what but I didn't feel like listening to it so I grabbed my coffee and headed for the doors.
As I passed them I looked at them and said, "The Governing Body is covering up child sex abuse, it's all over the news. Elders are molesting children, there's been multi-million dollar lawsuits." The man gave me an angry look and sorta growled at me, kinda rearing up in his seat, "Go on, get outta here!" I looked at him and I said, "Do you ever think for yourself or do you just listen to them like sheep?" The anger vanished and he just gave me this blank look, like the question had never crossed his mind, and then he said, "Who do you listen to?" I said, "Answer my question first and I'll answer yours." He said, "I don't have to answer your question." I replied, "I don't have to answer yours either. Enjoy ignorance, it must be nice."
And as I walked out the doors he sorta growled at me, "Yeah it is!"
Well... at least he admits it.