There are a few horrible statements in here, and one funny one.
3. How strong should love be in a marriage?
What a stupid question; who is going to say it should be
weak, or middling?
4 Focusing on the personal duties of each marriage mate, Paul
wrote: “Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, because a
husband is head of his wife just as the Christ is head of the congregation.” (Eph. 5:22, 23)
This is a non-starter; no one
believes this, even in the congregation.
5 Admitting that marriage calls for adjustments, Cathy [1] says: “As a single sister, I was
independent and took care of myself.
(Snicker; in a sexual way??)
Marriage was an adjustment for me as
I learned to rely on my husband. It has not always been easy, but we have drawn
so much closer as a couple by doing things Jehovah’s way.
(Snicker again; does this mean that
Fred’s godly sexual prowess is not working for her?)
8 Although the Bible does not provide specific rules about the
kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual
intimacy, it mentions displays of affection. (Song of Sol. 1:2; 2:6) Christian marriage
partners should treat each other with tenderness.
Lying, flip flopping SOB’s!! Rewind
to their constant lecturing about oral sex, dating back to the 70’s.
12 Unrealistic expectations may be at the root of a marital
problem. When dreams about a happy marriage do not come true, a person may feel
dissatisfied, cheated, even bitter. Differences in emotional nature and
upbringing may become issues, or disagreements may arise regarding money,
in-laws, and child-rearing. However, it is commendable that the vast majority
of Christian married couples find mutually acceptable solutions for all such
problems because they let God guide them.
This statement mentions problems,
issues, disagreements, as if that is what leads people to divorce. Usually
people divorce because they are at the end of their rope, many considering
suicide as a way out.
Do they address this? No, they only
say it is commendable that the ‘vast majority of ‘Christian’ married couples
find mutually acceptable solutions.
(In other words, WE don't succumb to splitting up over disagreements, no sir, not our people!!)
14. What does the Bible say to Christians married to
mates who are not worshippers of Jehovah?
14 In some cases, a Christian is married to one who is not yet
a servant of Jehovah. Whether the unbelieving mate realizes it or not, he or she is “sanctified”
because of being married to a believer. Any children born to them are
considered “holy” and thus have a standing with God. Paul reasons: “Wife, how
do you know whether you will save your husband? Or, husband, how do you know
whether you will save your wife?” (1 Cor. 7:16) Nearly
every congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses has married couples in which the
Christian has been instrumental in ‘saving’ his or her mate.
Not yet a servant of Jehovah?? What
about the ones who got a bellyful of lies, and left, but are still married to a
Are we still holy and sanctified?
What does that even matter, as they have said we are not living in a judgement
period, and if an unbeliever dies, he will be resurrected!
Also, note the careful parsing of
words in question 14; the ‘christian’ is married to a person ‘not a worshipper
of Jehovah’.
They co-opt the use of the word
christian, thus even if one’s unbelieving mate is christian in belief, he is
still not a ‘worshipper of Jehovah’.
They are devious in their use of