The Wwatchtower turning into a real laughing Stock

by Overrated 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Overrated

    Over the years Watchtower has turned into a real joke in the world scene. With the lawsuits, downsizing and decreasing numbers. What they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had. The things Watchtower comes out with now is a big laugh and people still that drink the kool-aid are as ridiculous as all get out.

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  • Magnum

    It really is nothing close to what it used to be. It would be a joke to me had it not ruined my life. Now, I am furious at it.

    The information age has really damaged JWdom. It should be the other way around. An organization that loves truth and has it should love the interconnectedness and widespread availability of info, but JWdom hates it. The internet has exposed it and shown how weak and puny it is. It's playing the website game now only because it realized it had to. At first, it didn't want anything to do with the internet.

    I agree with you about those drinking the Kool-Aid. I have three close family members who are JWs and who I always thought were smart, knowledgeable, and mostly level-headed, but they're gulping it down. I just told my wife that I can't conceive of how they can't see what we do. I have some other JW family members who are clueless; I can see why they're still in.

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  • Overrated

    It's a painful joke! I lost family, opportunities for higher paying jobs and education, opportunities too long to list because of this craziness. Glad I wised up An got out.

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  • Magnum

    I lost a lot, too, and am glad I got out; I just wish I had awakened earlier so I could have salvaged some life.

    What they use to be is gone and they will never recover the numbers they once had.

    I think about that a lot. I just don't see how they could ever be again what they once were. Even if some big world catastrophe scared a lot of people, I don't think any (or many) would flock to JWdom because it is a joke now. There's too much widely available info against it. It's too weak. It's scared of arguments and debates. It's been woefully wrong too many times.

    How could an organization backed by the supposed creator of the universe get weaker and weaker and become more of a joke with every passing day? If it's what it claims to be, it should be getting stronger and stronger as "the end" approaches.

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  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    WT has tried its darndest to get the world to respect and take it more seriously. That was part of its rebranding a few years ago when it adopted the JW.borg logo. And that endeavor of adding a mascot (JW.borg logo) may be backfiring on the organization in the worst way they could have imagined. The very definition of a mascot goes totally contrary to its own belief system.

    Mascot (logo): an animal, person, or thing adopted by a group as its representative symbol and supposed to bring good luck:

    Me thinks the attached WT mascot has turned out to be a curse rather than a blessing:

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  • truth_b_known

    Here is the official website for the Vatican. You will find it posted nowhere on any building of the Catholic faith.

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  • mynameislame

    It seems to me they started waning on their principles so now they have none.

    Blood fractions, alternative military service and the likes are all the things they backed down on losing a little respect along the way. Their refusal to admit they were wrong about those things doesn't help anything either.

    Tthe religion is about lying about who they are to appear as close to being part of the world that they claim to be no part of. Ask any JW why they are weird and they will have a ready answer on why they aren't.

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  • carla

    "Ask any JW why they are weird and they will have a ready answer on why they aren't."- too hilarious!

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  • carla

    Instead, ask any jw relative why their jw is so weird and the answers are just too many to even start!

    I remember when mine first joined up and we went to a party where nobody knew, my jw was just plain weird at the whole event! people asking me what was wrong with him? was he angry? something terminal? what? he was just a damn weirdo at the whole thing. sigh, lost a bunch of real friends due to my own embarrassment at the whole situation. How do you explain in a few short sentences what a cult is and why your beloved might have joined one?

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  • carla

    has joined one, sorry


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