Within the organization, Jehovah's Witnesses know that they must be dutiful and set an example for "worldly ones" as well as for their own brotherhood. If a Witness fails in setting the proper example, they may lose some 'privileges"..... What privileges did you look to have and what privileges did you lose??
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Incidentally, you can even lose privileges in death. If your life has been deemed to not quite measure up to high JW standards, you might not be allowed to have a memorial talk given in the Kingdom Hall! So you see, even in death, they may try to shame your name and therefore everyone knows that so and so was not allowed to be memorialized because they didn't qualify for that privilege!
What I've realised is that "privilege" is an euphemism for "free work".
You get the privilege of being a MS but that only means working free for the organisation without reward. And what is worst: spending your time in paperwork and bureaucracy.
If you get the privilege of being an elder, then you have more tasks to do. You are payed by portraying the title but you are giving your time, a precious time normal people would use to spend with their families, having hobbies or relaxing after a hard working day.
I can't see a difference between how you're treated by COs or elders and a secular manager. In fact, considered you are not paid the treatment is sometimes even worst.
That's the reason why those privileges are nowadays imposed on brothers even if they don't really want to be appointed. It's completely different than some years ago: now brothers don't reach to become elders or MS but they're pressured by existing elders as they cannot do all the work they already have and want to share work with others.
Ain't no resistance like passive resistance.
At one time in my last KH i had the "privilege" of working the sound desk, platform mics, roving mics and counting those in attendance ALL AT THE SAME TIME for every meeting. This lasted for months. The other brothers were either unworthy due to some sort of "sins" committed or they were elders or MS so wouldn't dream of doing such a lowly job.
Also.... what "privilege" it was to be assigned to the door to door ministry. Surely this is an "honor" to proclaim Jehovahs name.
Privilege of cleaning toilets.
Privilege of picking up some brats sweet wrappers from the back row.
Privilege of typing up the list of talks and those assigned to them.
Privilege of doing car-park duty to make sure they dont get broken into.
Basically, any job nobody wants to do becomes a "privilege" to make you think you're special.
We were always taught at the KH the all "privileges" are equal and important to Jah.
Okay? My spouse lost his "privileges" due to not quite hitting the unwritten/unscriptual WT rule about the national average...10 hours. He lost, reading the WT, holding a mic, running the sound and praying. BUT...his "privileges" of cleaning the toilets, cleaning the KH, taking the speaker to dinner, giving the CO a green handshake (even thought these assh*les wouldn't give em the time of day). Then there was the "privileges" of cleaning the assembly hall, making hoagies at 4am (back in the day).
I'm sure you all get my drift. "All privileges are special in Jahs eyes." Yeah....right! Another load of BS from WT!
If a Witness fails in setting the proper example, they may lose some 'privileges"
"I`ve Been Cleaning This Toilet For Years!"
Prisoners have privileges given or removed depending on behavior etc
Even back when I was in and was a believer I was not impressed by their titles and saw that "privileges" was just some task they wanted somebody's to do.
I wasn't interested in any label of "pioneer".
In the JW religion they want you to be flattered to be "used".
I was first offered the privilege of being "the library overseer". I said I would do it but never put in a days work. Then they called me for a meeting and asked me if I have aspirations as they were considering me for an MS. I told them I didn't have time to take care of the lib. So how does that qualify me for a MS? They said that they understood I had family to think of and that not every one could turn in requisite hours- I was turning in between 2 and eight hours. One month I turned in just one. A year before I faded I was turning in zero hours on the cooksheet. Coming back to the story, I told them I was not interested as I better things to do with my time . It shocked them no end and one guy couldn't understand how I could turn the privilege down! One year later I began my fade .