I haven't been around to much, but I need to take a complete break. You are all great people. See you around.
I need a break for a while
by obiwan 20 Replies latest jw friends
see you obiwan -- enjoy your rest -- especially from QWERTY. We all need abreak now and again
Hey Obi, I just finally met you on the weekend, and I like you! It would be great to have you visit toronto again, and I'm thinking of a trip to Michigan soon. Keep in touch!
Here's my email - can't remember if you have it or not. [email protected]
Obiwan, I think we've all taken a break from the board from time to time. Sometimes it get's to be much, but it's always good to know, this board isn't like the borg, we can always come back, no questions asked! Take care of yourself and hope you're doing okay!
Special K
Everyone needs a break at times..
You enjoy yours..
By the way, Obiwan. I was thinking about your post today, as pertains, to your topic on bear hunting.
I read in the paper yesterday that a 61 year old man went outside to check on his little farm of turkeys in B.C.) and was confronted by a 200 lb bear. This man survived the bear attack and even killed the bear with a 9 cm knife that he always carries on him. He told of how the bear was in the standing position as it was attacking him so he kept the same type posture. Everytime the bear made a swipe at him with it's big paw he would stab it with his knife. Eventually, he was able to stab it in the neck area.. and the Bear died.
So... if your going bear hunting on your break, Obiwan. Along with your gun, please take a BIG knife and wear it at all times while out and about it the woods.
sincerely.. and have a nice break
Special K
Big Tex
Be well Obiwan.
You've got a PM.
((Obiwan)) I'll miss your posts. Take care.
Well at least I'll have ur bum shot to remember you.