Did anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy? I saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure. Complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable.
Super Duper Awkward
by Slidin Fast 19 Replies latest jw friends
Can you please explain for those of us who do not attend or were never jw's? thank you.
Whatever they said, I'd probably not laugh at them. They're only regurgitating stuff they've been fed all their lives by those who claim to know better.
But Carla's right, a link or summary might be useful.
If it is the video part on the Service Meeting about premarital sex, then yeh ... it was quite sad. Its about the life experience of two youths in high school (a boy and a girl) and their efforts to resist the sex crazy students, they have to fight off every day. A classic line in the video was "...I have to run out of the classroom, just like Joseph did because of Potipha's wife ...". What more can I say.
Wow, are Witness children running out of school classrooms in reality?
In the 1970’s, I knew a JW newlywed couple who lived in an apartment across the street from a high school. They claimed that they would watch out their window, on the 2nd floor, all the kids fornicating, standing between parked cars. I’m sure some were making out, I seriously doubt there was some epidemic of teens standing up “doing it” between cars. 🤷♀️ But, you know, ALL worldly teens “do it.”
"...I have to run out of the classroom, just like Joseph did because of Potipha's wife ..."
If THAT line above doesn't clue you in to the scripted BS written by cloistered old men in an upstate NY cult compound, I don't know what would! No fuggin' way does any normal teen (even a JW teen) speak like that!
Just like the "Young People Ask" series of books, these videos are written and produced by a bunch of sexless old geezers with zero life experience or clue as to the reality of "yung wanzzzzz" today. It would almost be laughable, if it weren't so totally cringe inducing and embarrassing. And WT HQ wonders why the youth are leaving in DROVES????? Hahahahahahahahaha! Big mystery! Can someone "splain" it to them? lol
JW teens aren't going to mock those two. They know it is just an acted part.
But this just makes the WTS seem painfully out-of-touch. Is that what they think happens in high school? "You're a Jehovah's Witness? That's HOT! Let's do it right here, before the next class-- wait! Don't leave! Please come baaaaaaaaa..."
I can assure all of you from experience, that even being known as JW while a teen is a total sexual repellent to the "youth" of the world. No worldly chick is eager to take a guy's V-Card because he's some uptight, lame, chaste, bible-thumper. By 5th grade, I wish I had NEVER identified myself as JW in elementary school to my teachers and classmates. (though my parents did that with the old blue School brochure to my teachers, not me!) And for damn sure, by 7th and 8th Grades the only thing I was praying about was that my peers forgot all about me being a JW and saw me as just another "normal" teen. Also, I would do my best to avoid the goody-two-shoes JW's in my school and never associate with them for fear of being grouped in with the lameness. The same could be said for other PIMO kids who just wanted to be normal. It was like an unspoken rule with all of us as well. Hell, we'd nod to each other in passing in the school hallways......like an inside tell or something. "Hello fellow PIMO JW teen, only 3 more years of playing pretend until we can escape and truly live. I won't tell on you for smoking and having a worldly school GF, and I expect the same, thx!" - This was a real thing.
Regardless of what they claim, JW's are the most sex-crazed idiots around. They talk about it (sex bad), they think about (must confess to sinning in my heart), they think everyone is doing it like rabbits (we don't though, we run away), and the most ridiculous one of all (everyone wants to have sex with us anywhere, anytime, because we be JW and we be so chaste and guud).
I'm old enough to remember all the sex talks in the old service meeting. That's where I learned all about oral sex, anal sex, fornicating sex, sex with animals ad nauseam.