Watchtower Sudy 12 July.the Kings of North & South (from 05/20 issue)

by BluesBrother 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    It is a challenge Next Sunday for them . Due to starting the Convention Programme the WT study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... I doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .We on the look out for the King of the North to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week)

    This article makes a grand claim in par 2

    "And even though God’s servants make up only a small portion of the world’s population, they are often at the center of major world events. Why? Because Satan and his entire system have one prime objective​—conquering those who serve Jehovah and Jesus."

    At the centre ? No Christians were involved when Ghengis Khan tore across Asia in the Middle Ages. I am sure you can think of other examples.

    The next few paragraphs identify the King of the South in the 20th/21st century. . that is declared to be the Anglo American dual World Power

    Now it is true that during the World Wars they formed alliances (including Russia in WW2) and we sometimes hear of a "special relationship" . However, that relationship has proved thin in recent times and I suggest that both Nations would be annoyed to be considered sharing power. The British Government turned towards Europe in recent decades and certainly does not consider itself a junior party in a U S A led world power.

    So I contend this power does not exist !

    So who has played the role of the opposing King of the North? it is not hard to work out. In WW2 of course Nazi Germany gets the title. After that the identity shifts to the Soviet Powers who engaged in pushing" with the King of the South.

    Interesting in Para 17

    "The king of the north has supported the king of the south in one key endeavor; they “put in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation.” (Dan. 11:31) That “disgusting thing” is the United Nations."

    It used to be said this was when the King of South set up the League of Nations in 1919.Have they realised that America never actually joined that League?

    The article finishes with the question, who is the King of the North now?

    Sssh... I will spill the beans, since I am not writing all this again next week.

    it is.... RUSSIA !

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  • slimboyfat

    I thought the most interesting claim in the article (from memory) was the assertion that the “king of the north” reemerged in modern times when it did—as a unified Germany in 1871—because that was when Russell and others began to meet in small groups to discuss the Bible. I think this is a “new thought”; at least I don’t remember it being presented like that before.

    Which raises a few questions:

    By what mechanism did the formation of Russell’s group cause the “king of the north” to reemerge?

    And how could Russell’s group have caused German unification when Russell’s group began to meet in 1872, the year after German unification took place?

    This reminds me of the teaching that Satan was thrown down to earth in the autumn of 1914, which somehow caused the First World War to begin two months earlier. The timing is a bit off, which is seldom addressed, but brushed under the carpet.

    Plus it’s a bit odd for Watchtower to direct such importance to Russell now, having unceremoniously demoted him from the “faithful slave” class a few years ago. If Russell wasn’t part of the “faithful slave”, and the Bible Student leadership was only selected by Jesus in 1919, then really what position does Russell occupy at all in Bible prophecy?

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  • DesirousOfChange

    "And even though God’s servants make up only a small portion of the world’s population, they are often at the center of major world events."

    Narcissists. And many JWs adopt that grandiose self-importance of themselves.

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  • sir82

    I was disappointed in the demotion of Queen Zenobia (footnote, paragraph 5). In the original printing of the "Daniel's Prophecy" book, she was a "King(?) of the South". Now she's nothing.

    B*astards. She was one of the few interesting characters in that book, and now she's just another miscellaneous Syrian empress, at least in WT-world.

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  • slimboyfat
    "And even though God’s servants make up only a small portion of the world’s population, they are often at the center of major world events."
    Narcissists. And many JWs adopt that grandiose self-importance of themselves.

    Indeed, narcissists led by narcissists. The new “faithful slave” teaching could be described with similar wording:

    “Even though the Governing Body make up only a small portion of worldwide brotherhood, and even among those claiming to be anointed, they are at the centre of events, leading Jehovah’s people”.

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  • Phizzy

    Yes, that "Disgusting Thing" the United Nations, which for many years they were an integral part of as an N.G.O.

    Strange that.

    And as an N.G.O. they promised to support all its aims, strange that isn't it ? Once this became general knowledge, because the U.K Newspaper The Guardian exposed it, they resigned as an N.G O.

    Strange that.

    When challenged about it, they said they only joined to gain access to the U.N Library.

    Strange that...... because a letter from the U.N itself, readily available on line, says they did not need to be an N.G.O to gain a Library Card.

    Strange that.

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  • Italiancalipso

    Ho my God! Queen Zenobia ...I miss you...

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Russia. Again? I once thunk it was gonna be secular moslems

    Anyhow. Everything in Babylon has fallen came true except.....

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  • EverApostate
    That “disgusting thing” is the United Nations.

    And Jehovah went and made an alliance with this disgusting thing ?

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  • JoenB75
    Never ceases to amaze how people believe the Bible can address topics and realms completely unknown to the biblical authors
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