Where is the garden of Eden?
I don't mean where in the world, I mean where in history.
Adam and Eve get booted out of this place. A place which is not only a pretty nice place to live, but it has a tree in it which gives you everlasting life.
Yes it's guarded by angels and levitating fiery swords, but surely people would have been trying to get in and get the fruit? The garden and the tree of life just disappear out of the narrative, almost like it was a fable.
If there was an actual Eden with an actual tree of life in it then surely the history of humanity would have been one of desperately trying to break back into Eden?
Yes, ok, maybe the angels defending the garden might have been a bit trigger happy and killed those that tried but I bet you that every generation would at least raise one hero who would try and reach the prize. If such a place existed.
Thinking about it. What does the tree of life do in the story? God creates the garden of Eden and puts the tree of life and the tree of knowledge in it. The tree of knowledge has its fruit eaten by Adam and Eve, but no-one eats the tree of life's fruit. It's created and disappears without fulfilling any purpose at all.
The only place you see ridiculously powerful artefacts appear and then disappear like this is in badly written fiction where the hero in book one finds the sword of ultimate power but then in book two has to lose it again otherwise he would have it too easy.