Just curious if anyone has ever been to an assembly with zero baptisms. If not, I see that happening soon and cant wait for that awkward day!
Has anyone ever been to an assembly with NO baptisms
by Nikki collins 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes. Sometimes where circuits had an A and B side, they asked some to come over to the other side for their baptism.
Yes. The speaker still gave the talk but adapted to those who are now baptized and their memories of that or to those now contemplating baptism.
I never really paid any attention. We were planning on going to mall and goofing around till session was over.
I was at one a few years ago. The assigned speaker still had to give the talk. I thought they could have cut everyone some slack and broke for lunch early.
I had it once and it felt awkward. Like blondie and hoser said, the baptism talk wasn't cancelled (unfortunately) and was supposed to be a peptalk and a reminder of everyone's own baptism. Some tried to be positive and made it proof of 'how close we were to the big A' but it still felt 'wrong'. No youth no future, right?
I was at one a few years ago. The assigned speaker still had to give the talk. I thought they could have cut everyone some slack and broke for lunch early.
JWs lack basic common sense. It comes from years of practising obedience without thinking for yourself. Then again, they probably receive instructions from Watchtower to carry on in these circumstances. Watchtower doesn’t like to leave anything to chance, especially when there is a danger local people might make independent decisions that suit their own needs. That sort of madness needs to get stamped out quick sharp.
Yes at a Circuit Assembly about 7 years ago.
We had about 2200 people, and NO dunks.
FYI - since I gave many assembly talks, I remember the CO talking to the elder who was doing the baptism talk that in case there are none, this is what to do.
I remember my mother mentioning that a few times, but the baptism talk was still given, why?? Oh I know, so they wouldn't lose the interested persons who somehow were duped by their study partner to attend the assembly and observe all those who were going to give their lives up to Jehovah, which means in all reality giving your life up to seven old guys in Brooklyn, now Warwick. OOPS, I guess there were a few assemblies where the folks who were studying actually "used the brain that Jehovah gave you" (as my mother always used to say) and realized this cult thing is a total piece of crap!!
new boy
No but the last CA I went to 18 years ago had only 2, one 14 and one 12 year old kid. The hand writting was on the wall way back then.
Yes, handled as stated by others.