Is that you who makes YouTube videos in your van?
One Question to ask any JW that will blow their end times out of the water
by maccauk 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
there is also option D the new israel and new jerusalem is here already and is disernable for those looking .Christ is the New Israel in rev there is no temple in the new jerusalem thats because you are the temple of the living God. Thats the mystery of the ages Christ in you the hope of glory reveale dto all who hear the knock and open some do hear and open some dont some are to busy with this world to listen for it
Rev 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.
It is not found in a church or set of doctrines it is within you the Kingdom of God
there is also option D
No, no, Option C is definitely the winner.
you should not be so presumptious a man of your intelligence Im working
totally not cofty
The end of the old covenant meant an end to the penalties of it thats why it is written the law brings condemnation and death so the burden of man was to keep the law. Which no man is able to do except Christ
Which means he defeated death put an end to sin forever and all sins past present and future are forgiven
where there is no law there is no sin
where there is no sin there is no judgement
where there is no judgement there is no death
Mankind restored to its original state and back into fellowship with God forever
All set free from the burden of death upon them.
not by anything you can do or earn but by the finished work of christ
when he was crucified you were crucified
when he died you died
when he was buried you were buried
when he was resurrected you were resurrected
this is the free gift to all man who comes to christ
You guys need to study the older Egyptian religion and its teachings , you'll come to realize who the new Jerusalem is actually and why it's a female . You'll also understand what the Kingdom is and why Christ is in you .
it cant be female as their is neither male nor female in the spirit
@ Crazyguy.....Hey, I'll take up that challenge .....
Meet Mrs. Toot-your-car-horn........I'm sold......