Only a few times when I was in my late teens about the time of when armagedon was suposed to happen in 75 did I ever feel at peace. The rest of the time I felt on edge and like my life was slipping away. I also have felt like that if I had the realization that I was real close to Jehovah or Jesus, or just was spiritual in general I felt ashamed for it somehow. But in some diferent churchs I don't really feel this way, partly because in some churchs they don't hound you about small things likes beards or how you part your hair or if your seeing a friend who is not a witness. It may be the reason that if your NOT going to heaven you can not really be having a close relationship with God, not as much as if you are going to heaven anyway. I don't know, just one mans veiw.....
Did you ever feel at peace at a Kingdom Hall?
by Singing Man 20 Replies latest jw friends
There was a time I did. After I left my first husband and he was stalking me. It was the one place I could go and not feel like he was going to harrass me. Then I'd relax so much I'd almost fall asleep because I wasn't so 'on alert'
Can't say I felt peace there for years though.
I have to say that, yes, I did feel at peace in a Kingdom Hall during most of my time as a dub.
The Witnesses were my life and the Hall was the centre of it . I certainly had some problems with the "Ministry" especially spontaneous conversations with people that I knew . I chided myself for fear of men, but now I recognise that it was because so many arguments didnt really add up, and so were hard to put accross.
But at the Hall, among the brothers everything was fine. I enjoyed the platform assignments and could not see any reason to get overly nervous "After all, we are all brothers here". Most of all I really believed that we had special knowledge. How exciting to discuss the secrets of the Universe and plan for mankind !..
It was only in later years when I started to reconsider these things and I realised that it was just not true, that I felt out of place .
Just goes to show how naive I was
Not that I can remember. Maybe when I was little and too young to pay much attention to anything that went on, but I don't recall ever feeling at peace. Of course I was the resident evil blond vixen, so someone was always giving me the evil eyeball.
Sure, when i was a little kid i really loved going to the kingdom hall. i felt like i was doing something right for once. and i felt all super clean and shiny after i left, like all of my transgressions had been washed away.
it stopped being fun and peaceful at around age eleven and went downhill from there
Phantom Stranger
Yes, actually.
One weekend when I was a teenager, we were doing yard work at the Hall, and for a few minutes there was no one else in the whole place. That was it.
Yes, I did, until I got disfellowshipped. After that, it was miserable going to the meetings. They said it was supposed to be a place of refreshment but it was pure torture. They use the scripture that Jehovah disciplines those he loves and that sometimes its with scourges, but the Bible never said the elders and congregation would do that. I truly believe that had it not been for the df treatment, I would have never left. I silently disagreed with the policy on blood but I could have kept my mouth shut and I never knew about their policy on child molestors so I would have probably just stayed ignorant, now I can't go back.
Singing Man, I can't say that it was *peace* that I felt at the Kingdom Hall, but I will tell you this, I can remember thinking to myself during a meeting, that I would be *safe* if Armageddon came at that moment. Sad. So I guess, in a way, you could say that I felt *fear* while at the hall. Even as a child, I knew something was screwed up about that place. It simply was never real to me. I use to day dream during the prayers!
I felt asleep at the Kingdom Hall a few times, and I probably was.
Singing Man
Yes, I did, until I got disfellowshipped. After that, it was miserable going to the meetings. They said it was supposed to be a place of refreshment but it was pure torture. They use the scripture that Jehovah disciplines those he loves and that sometimes its with scourges, but the Bible never said the elders and congregation would do that. I truly believe that had it not been for the df treatment, I would have never left. I silently disagreed with the policy on blood but I could have kept my mouth shut and I never knew about their policy on child molestors so I would have probably just stayed ignorant, now I can't go back. Your a lot like me. The point where you mention how you feel after you became disfelloshipped really hit home with me, how it opend your eyes. I could not put into words as heart felt truthfull as you have. Thanks, Shane,