Watchtower & Guns

by freemindfade 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82

    They keep ramping up the hysteria about an "impending" great tribulation.

    That picture is pure "Armageddon porn", designed to incite an emotional reaction of utter fear and abject dread.

    JWs are already anxious and spastic. If they keep cranking up the terror, something (or someone) is going to blow. I fear the results may be tragic,

  • freemindfade
    "Armageddon porn"

    lol! yes it is. They have changed it from the apocalyptic-end-of-days pictures of my JW youth, to more real plausible, "persecussion" pictures. *Fear mongering intenfifies*

  • kpop

    I do. About two years ago, a "spiritually weak" brother from my hall asked me to go to a range with him. I already knew he had a collection of guns at home but he really opened up to me about his collection when he got to know that I would not say anything to the elders. His wife was raped and beaten many years ago by a home intruder with a gun. Since then they got armed.

    I really love shooting. It's a fun hobby but very expensive.

    I own an AR15 which I modified with a full length rail, a hybrid AK47/AR15 called the Mutant MK, several hand guns from 9mm to .45 and I am looking to add to my collection. My first gun was a S&W 9mm. Great little gun. Getting a permit in NJ for guns is not easy and takes months.

  • freemindfade

    kpop your S&W 9mm is the shield? That's my daily carry, sometimes on the weekend I carry the S&W BodyGuard .38 special, but usually the shield 9mm.

  • betterdaze
    … spiritually mature Christians choose not to keep a firearm for protection against other humans.

    But hunting is still okay, right?

    Dumbasses located their cult compound inside a 19,000+ acre state forest.

    Built the residences right on top of the property line beside a public access path.

    A few hundred feet over the Jersey border they’ve neighbors whose ancestors hunted and fished the area all the way back to the American Revolution.

    Wanna bet they found out the hard way?

    2016 Sterling Forest Hunting Brochure

    Can’t wait for some pantywaist Bethelite to whine, “But we were in Brooklyn and never ever heard gunshots!”

  • kpop

    Yes! It is the Shield. I wanted to get a CCW permit so I thought the Shield would be good because it was small but I found out that in NJ it is almost impossible to get a CCW but soon I will be moving to Florida where I can get a CCW.

    My favorite handgun I own is the Ruger LC9s. The Ruger has the best trigger on the market. I shoot 2 inch groups at 20 meters. But you can't beat an AR15 for everyday use.

  • freemindfade

    Nice. Just picked up a 1911 to abuse at the range. I have been contemplating an AR build, I hear building your own is addictive.

    I have a couple of mags with the hyve extension. Also it has the tlr-6 flashlight laser on it. Next I might upgrade the trigger and maybe get a threaded barrel.

  • freemindfade

    My daily carry shield. I have a couple mags with the Hyve extensions (+2), talon grip, and a TLR-6 laser/flashlight combo on it. I'd like to upgrade the trigger and possibl do a True-Precision threaded barrel. because why not... then do the NFA work and get a proper suppressor (again just because lol)

  • kpop

    Very nice! I always wanted a 1911 but I'm a fan of good old sliding action. Also not that easy to carry due to weight.

    YES! Building your own AR is extremely addictive! I first bought a cheap AR from S&W Sport which was nice but I wanted more. Sold it. Then I upgraded to a CORE15 and added a full rail and sights and grip. Then I started buying the upper and swapping out all the internals for better parts. It really can be fun but some things you need to know what you are doing, like the gas return. I used to think I was the only Korean this much into guns but I have found many in my area who love guns and have spent tens of thousands of $$$$ on guns. One of my clients who is also Korean has a collection worth over $100k (and he was a director for the NRA.) I must have spent already several thousand on ammo alone. As I said before, it is an expensive hobby but so much fun!

  • freemindfade
    I am currently rebuilding my collection, living in NYC for a long time I had to get rid of everything (well almost lol). I kept my baby eagle .40. Which I have since sold.

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