Do you have any good movie mistakes or bloopers?

by LoveUniHateExams 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LoveUniHateExams


    I'm actually not that good in picking out flaws in films - certainly not the first time I watch them. Every time I watch a film for the first time I put on the English subtitles, even though I'm a native English speaker. I'm not deaf but I'd describe myself as a lazy listener - if a scene is visually interesting, I'll not hear what's being said.

    In all the examples I've given in this thread, I've seen the films many many times.

    Here's a little error in Fright Night (1985) which should've been fixed in the edit: when Jerry Dandridge is behind Charley and says "now we wouldn't want to wake your mother, would we Charley ... then I'd have to kill her too" if you look carefully, you'll notice that when the camera switches onto Charley's face at the end of each line, Dandridge's mouth is mouthing his line (@3mins 26secs).

    Yeah, I've seen Fright Night many times, too, lol.

  • TD

    In Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) in the scene right after Anakin, Amidala and the two Jedi land on Coruscant, Palpatine's costume bounces back and forth in mid-conversation between a green and a blue color scheme. The most noticeable thing is the color of his collar.

    Apologies for the potato quality video below. It's all I could find

    At 4:12, the collar and trim are clearly green.

    Palapatine paces back and forth and then turns at 4:33 and bang, the collar is as blue as blue can be.

    There are several good clear views of the blue collar and then at 5:18, right the middle of the conversation, the collar is suddenly green again.

    And it's not just the rotten quality of this video. The goof is much more noticeable at Blu-Ray quality or above

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