Latest gb update. Only took them 20 years to see beards are acceptable in society.
Holy barbasol Batman! Beards are now allowed!
by nowwhat? 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm wondering how many brothers will begin to grow beards now.
I wonder how many JWs will begin to realize the amount of arbitrary control they are allowing the GB to exercise over their lives.
No time reporting, beards.
At this rate , maybe we should start planning the Christmas party.
This will definitely help their Christian movie business - no more glue on beards! Praise Jah!
I dunno…
…the “Plain Truth” guys tried mainstreaming after Herbert Armstrong died, shattered into a million pieces, and hardly anyone even remembers them anymore.
Either the WT is so anxious about losing members and/or their tax-exemption that they’ll actually risk trying this, or they’ve figured out the alternative is even worse.
"Only took them 20 years to see beards are acceptable in society"
Try a hundred. Rutherford brought in the beard rule to distance himself and the organisation from Russell.
I am getting ready for sporting a tattoo. I know this will be the next change
I am getting ready for sporting a tattoo. I know this will be the next change
Im way ahead.. first thing I got when I checked out. Got about 20 now and counting.
Yes, first the shocking news at their annual meeting of No more time reporting. Now, beards are allowed. Of course, this is absurd because beards should never have Not been allowed. This is what happens when ‘commands of men’ are taught.
Will this news stop people from leaving???
Makes everybody wonder what more radical changes in the JW religion are coming soon down the road.