Don't buy any used items from thrift stores because it could be a bridge for the demons.
Craziest Speculations You’ve heard about the end and paradise
by Addison0998 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh, just super duper uber JW sister told me once she can't wait to meet David in the paradise. Apparently, he's very handsome and she has a bit of a crush on him ;)
Over the years I've heard insane nonsense from Jobots. Even when I was a fully functioning Jobot myself I thought the people saying these things were bonkers.
- No one will have genitals.
- We'll be able to fly
- We'll inhabit other planets
- We will be able to visit heaven
- We will still have BMWs to drive in because they're perfect
- Jehovah™ will let us...I quote..."Make a DNA on a computer."We won't be naked because that is pornography
- Dodos and other extinct species will be made again because Jehovah™ is 'making all things new.'
When my older JW father was still alive if a hurricane or other bad weather conditions were on the news on T.V. he'd say to me " you know what that means don't you ? " and I'd say " yeah, we're having bad weather " - and he'd say " No, it means we're getting really close to the end, close to Armageddon ! "
I'd just look away and roll my eyes so he wouldn't see my expression. I would just think to myself " oh brother, here we go again " - without saying anything to offend him. He actually said these things for over 60 years being in the JW cult. Then his end came last summer at almost age 92 and guess what ? The weather was perfectly sunny when he died. I just felt sorry for him that he was so fearful and superstitious all of his adult life. Ignorance was , and remains bliss to many of these people
stan livedeath
reading this sort of crazy dub talk just reminds me how glad i am i turned my back on the cult and have lived a happy and full life ever since.
the truth really did make me free.
thank you god.
Freedom rocks
Someone told me they didn't want to be in paradise if there was no toilet roll coz they weren't gonna use leaves.
Someone else was gonna have a polar bear to transport them everywhere.
Another sister said she was gonna grow her own cocoa beans coz she can't survive without chocolate.
My mom also believes that the weather is going to be very extreme--global warming/climate change is a sure sign that the Great Tribulation/Armageddon is near. She said that there will be 42 pound hail coming from the sky. Not 1 or 2 pounds, not 13 ounces or 19 ounces, but specifically 42 pounds.
My mom also believes that the bird population will increase greatly before the Big A so that they are available to 'help' destroy the wicked ones.
She said that there will be 42 pound hail coming from the sky. Not 1 or 2 pounds, not 13 ounces or 19 ounces, but specifically 42 pounds.
See? The answer to life, the universe, and everything.
QUESTIONING EVERYTHING- That's pretty funny about your mom, she must have known my dad when he was alive. LOL.
This statement cracked me up by you, " My mom also believes that the bird population will increase greatly before the Big A so that they are available to ' help ' destroy the wicked ones . "
Are you sure your mom hasn't been watching Alfred Hitchocks " The Birds " movie recently ? lol. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I heard the idiots claiming they are going to move into a house after Armageddon when the people are destroyed. Idiots--why wouldn't they build one that is perfect for themselves? I never saw any reason to ensure preservation of my home, since it would be possible to build a better one that is in perfect condition later. Now, I realize that all I need is a 5 ounce bar of silver and for the financial system to totally collapse (and real estate with it), and my bar of silver will buy me a house.
And asserting that all animals will eat straw is just as stupid. If everyone ate the same thing, that would create a shortage of that item and too much of everything else. That is why equality is so bad--whether between people or animals, equality creates shortages and excesses. What happens when the straw is all gone?