I'm hoping to start a series of posts refuting common, fallacious JW reasoning that they repeat to support their teachings or defend their organization. In this first installment I will be tackling the common fallacious analogy used by them to equate eating blood with receiving a transfusion. Feel free to share your own refutations on each thread.
"If a doctor tells you to abstain from alcohol you wouldn't go injecting it into your veins, would you?"
This is a false analogy that amounts to comparing apples with oranges. Blood and alcohol are two completely different substances that behave differently from each other, depending on whether they're ingested orally or injected.
The body treats alcohol the same way whether it is ingested orally or injected intravenously because alcohol (pure ethanol) does not need digesting. Taken orally, the digestive tract sucks it in whole just as if it had been injected. So a doctor's instruction to abstain from drinking alcohol would naturally also apply to injecting it - because of the body's consistent treatment of the substance, regardless of how it is taken in.
By contrast, blood is treated differently when it is taken orally as opposed to being injected. Taken orally, it is digested like any other food and absorbed as basic food nutrients. But taken intravenously, it behaves like blood - like getting an organ transplant, not as food. Because of this, eating blood is not the same as getting a transfusion. Your doctor can tell you to abstain from eating blood and still recommend you get a blood transfusion, because your body might not be able to handle one method of processing blood but may be ok with the other. It would be like your doctor telling you to abstain from eating meat while recommending you get an organ transplant.
But even comparing the differing effects on the body of each substance depending on whether they're injected or eaten, is actually a moot point because the fact is, the reason the bible says to abstain from blood has nothing to do with its effect on the body but is owing to the effect that eating blood has on blood's - and by extension, life's - sanctity and hence the spiritual integrity of the sacrificial system. (Leviticus 17)
Eating blood devalues life as common food. But getting a blood transfusion means using blood as blood - for the very reason it was supposedly created - and hence valuing blood as blood. Transfused blood is being used for the same purpose as the body's own naturally produced blood, so it goes without saying that that use of blood must be approved since God is the one who created blood to flow in the veins even while forbidding the eating of it.