As you can see from the answers so far given, there is no magic bullet. You just have to be careful. I would recommend talking to this person carefully and perhaps ask what they think about the new generation teaching. Although they may not agree with it, but they may tell you that they do out of fear, ask them then, "have you noticed that it seemed like in the past we could question things, but now for example, if we don't agree with the generation teaching we can't really question it?" And just see what he says. He may perk up a little. That may break the ice if he really know TTATT. If he's a little paranoid, he may just say yeah I noticed that, and that's it. But then you could continue on with, "well, if we have sincere questions about something, shouldn't we be allowed to question things? I mean we were allowed to questions things when we began to study the Bible right?" He may now open up even more and drop his guard because you are not attacking anything. Then you could say, "I just wish it was more like that. I sure enjoy talking to you. It's so easy talking to you." And then maybe the next time you could go to the next level and even just ask him if he's ever heard of TTATT and if he asks, "no, what's that?". Just say, "oh, no, it's just a new programming technique I read about for the playstation." or just make something up. Or you could say, "I said did you hear of that". Then he would say, "hear of what?" Then just have something in mind ahead of time, and you're all set!! Say, oh, that new movie about... or whatever. If he looks at you weird, don't worry. I'm sure he won't go home and Google tat, and certaintly won't Google ttatt. So we're safe.
Give that a whirl.