by raymond frantz 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Remember the one full page WT declaration against France in the NYT.

    I have never heard of that, is there a reference or link anywhere?


  • NotFormer

    "Remember the one full page WT declaration against France in the NYT."

    I wonder what they were thinking that that would achieve. It would have been back in the days* when they were still winning their court cases based on the right to religious freedom and so on. So, was this an open letter, designed to get their sugar-daddy, the US government, to come in and champion their cause against France? If there is even a smidgeon of truth to my conjecture, the hypocrisy is palpable. Expecting the evil worldly government to be their white knight? What happened to "waiting on you-know-who"?

    *I too was unaware of this; waiting on a link as well.

  • Gorb

    In an open letter addressed to the President of France, appearing as a full page advertisement in The New York Times (July 5, 1998, Section 4, p. 12 WK), the "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" sought outside support for their protest against being taxed. Under the title FRANCE MOVES TO TAX RELIGION! They claim that "French tax administrators have jeopardized basic human rights by imposing a punitive 60 percent tax on the third-largest Christian religion in France. If the tax laws can be used to suppress one religion in France, then many religions and nonprofit organizations are at risk."

  • Gorb
  • Gorb

    At the end it's all about money.

    The open letter was signed by GB member Swingle, then in name responsible for the Watchtower finance departement.


  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Getting sued, taxed, and legislated into oblivion never seems to have occurred to them.

    Well, that is the biblical role of government. Nice to see it work for a change.

    Romans 13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

    As a side note,

    In the letter to France: funny how they cite the UN for establishing their "basic human right" to not be taxed. I thought the UN was the 7 headed beast and religions ride the beast like a whore pretending to love it but is just there to extract cash.

    By their own estimation, the WT shows themselves to just be religious whores.

    Trash Boat | Babylon the great, Beast of revelation, Book of revelation

    Don't feel bad WT. On the bright side You finally got one prophecy right!

  • NotFormer

    Human rights for me, but not for thee...

  • Vidiot
    Sea Breeze - “…they cite the UN for establishing their ‘basic human right’ to not be taxed…”

    OMG, that’s mind-boggling on multiple levels.


  • Gorb
    You only see it when you realize it. Namely the enormous energy that puts into safeguarding financial interests. Then no sea is too rough, no mountain too high and the governing body is deployed, buying up a page in the NYT, establishing contacts with UN, the Senate and OCSE and organizing a street demonstration of JG in Paris and Strasbourg ( evidence in my archive). This is in contrast to the promotion of human interests, in cases of abuse within one's own circle and the psychological and health damage caused by exclusion. In short, everything revolves around the interests of the organization. No more and no less!
  • Scully

    The only TRUE statement ever published/uttered by WTS:

    "Religion is a snare and a racket."

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