Flirting or not?
by freemindfade 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Typical of a cult to distill all human interaction down to a flow chart.
The example in the lower left corner looks pornographic.
None of those make any sense at all.
Its satire
For those who don't know this is something JWborg put out with smiley faces, hearts etc. So this is a more real world one...
None of those make any sense at all.
haha, they make sense alright
let's hope you don't have kids, and they're not texting the above examples
The example in the lower left corner looks pornographic.
Maybe because I am a gay man the example in the upper left corner looked pornographic to me.
Actually, none of them look flirtatious to me, they look sexual. My guess is that I may get a "WTF!" back with the corresponding emoji.
Glad it's satire, I couldn't imagine sending any of those to any female friends even if I was interested in them.
Possibly also because I just can't work emoji's ...
Yes and no, this one has more interesting comical emojis