sparky: what year???I became a JW in 1970, don't remember that song book.
Kingdumb songs, will they someday make the top 25 Religious Hymns???
by James Mixon 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
James, I can't tell you exactly the year of publication. It was the songbook that was used when I was a child and I am 61 years old. As a little boy in the late 1950's I remember singing from this version all the way through into the 1960's. An old anointed sister used to 'pound out' the songs on an old upright piano!
edit: With a search on Google, I have found that the songbook was printed in 1950. There is a fellow on YouTube, Davey7373 and he has some of the songs being played on an organ. It might be worth it for you to take a look at his channel. Best wishes!
Thank you, That's the one! I didn't know if maybe I confused it with all those little booklets they used to publish. There was even a column for them on the field service report slips. Do you remember those? I think we studied them at some of the book study groups. Thanks for the memory. 😊
Yes, absolutely.
"From House to House" will be in the hall of fame.
Go ahead, I dare you to get this tune out of your head:
Plink-PLINK, plink-PLINK, plink-PLINK-plink-PLINk-plink-PLINK.....
James Mixon
sir82: you are right, that's the only song I remember. It's like the song Tiptoe Through the Tulips..Tiny Tim
Wow, this topic has revived from my memory these lyrics. I don't remember the title, possibly..
"Forward you Witnesses."
"Please stand and open your songbooks to song number, such and such..
"Firm and determined in this time of the end, Prepared are God's servants this good news to defend! Though Satan against them has vaunted! In God's ways they keep on undaunted. So forward you Witnesses, ever strong of heart, rejoice that in God's world you soon will have a part! Go tell far and wide his new order is near, they 'er long his rich blessings will be here!"
As a child I always wondered what vaunted meant. Their songs were another great indoctrination tactic, "God's new order will soon be here." Ha ha. That was decades ago, until recently I still half believed it. On the other hand, part of my mind was considereding that the overlapping generation stuff was a ploy. Cognitive dissonance? Oh well, I'm here now. As the saying goes, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
As a child I always wondered what vaunted meant.
Ha ha!
How about "succor"? Talk about using obsolete words.
There's an old (no longer sung) song with the lyric "Their calls for succor / he quickly will hear"
I never knew what it meant, but I always got a kick out of imagining this:
"Their calls for ......SUCKER!!!! / he quickly will hear"
I don't think I was the only one. Every time, the volume of singing cut, literally, to half as loud on the word "succor". I think people were embarrassed to say that word in a Kingdom Hall.
I agree. Sometimes "the friends" had a hard time singing some of the lyrics because they were embarrassing or just bad lyrics, or hard to sing, and there'd definitely be a noticeable drop in volume.
"If your body members you control"
"like bees that were molested"
As for me, usually I just lip synced or sang "so low".
James Mixon
Just think around 1970-1971 I was in the infield at Dodger stadium with a group of singers from congregations in the circuit singing my heart out before the assembly begin. Today I'm preparing for a concert next week singing and playing (Guitar) pagan Christmas songs, what the hell happen??
I believe that this 'songbook' was the precursor to the "Songs to Jehovah's Praise" . This was before my time. Are there any old timers or Watchtower historians posting here that could tell us what sort of 'musical insanity' was contained between its covers?