What book(s) are you reading?

by gaiagirl 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I'm 2/3 through The Divine Comedy. Defenitely not what one might consider lite reading, but enjoyable.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hmmm.. just looking through my pile...

    1. Rich Dad Poor Dad... book about money investing..

    2. Dr. Atkins new Diet Book... A diet book

    3. Releasing the Bonds.. by Steven Hassan...Book about how to get yourself and others out of cults.

    4. Gift from the Sea.. By Anne Morrow Lindebergh.wrote in 1955.. I read this one every couple years. I think this is the fourth time.

    5. Clifford Saves the World.. You know, Clifford the Big Red Dog. I'm reading that with my 8 yr old son.. he reads a page and I read a page..(The great thing about Clifford saving the world is that nobody dies or is destroyed.)

    6. Whales the Gentle Giant.. also with my young son.

    I also have a good steamy Scottish Romance on the burner as well.


    Special K

  • Princess
    Currently I am reading "Cry the Beloved Country" about South Africa

    I read that in 11th grade! I had to, it was for English, why are you reading it?

    I read Queen Noor's autobiography last month. Then I read DaVinci Code. Both great books.

    Currently I'm reading The Indigo Children. Non-fiction about the latest in smarty pants kids like my own.

  • rem

    Currently reading a book called Genius by James Gleick - it's a biography of Richard Feynman. Fascinating!

    I'm also reading Extinct Humans by Ian Tattersol, which has lots of photos of human and prehuman fossils.

    Finished reading The Selfish Gene by Dawkins and Founding Brothers. Too many books in my pile!


  • Mulan
    I read that in 11th grade! I had to, it was for English, why are you reading it?

    It's Oprah's current book club selection. Book Club

    I saw it at Sam's club when we were in Flordia, and bought it. It sounded really interesting, the way Oprah praised it.

    Wasn't it good?

  • freedom96

    Bill O'Reilly - Who's Looking Out for You

    Great book, written from a no nonsense guy. Though some would not agree with him, he makes many good points that most people in the media don't have the guts to say.

  • SheilaM

    I am reading a Hitler a Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock (It is actually to help me in a fiction story I'm writing)

  • joannadandy


    If you enjoyed that book you might like Devoted by Alice Borchardt (Anne Rice's sister).

    Same time period...it's kind of a romance if I remember right...it's been ages since I read it...I just know it deals with that blend of the old pagan ways with the new Christianity. It's got supernatural elements to it too...I remember really enjoying it at the time...you might want to pick it up--see if it sounds like something you'd enjoy...(It was the first thing I thought of when I read your description of your book).

    Thunder--have you read Paradise Lost by Milton yet? I think it's kinda fun to read those two back to back...

    Now I am reading Werewolves in Their Youth by Michael Chabon. It's a collection of short stories...he's also a contributor on This American Life, on NPR. I am enjoying it so far.

    I'm also re-reading The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie. It's been years since I read it, and I just felt the need to pick it up again...it's just a great book. More interwoven short-stories. Very capatvating and beautifully written.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    Paradise Lost huh?
    I'll check it out.


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