Click here for source of material, Governing Body Letters
I highlight only these words when studying my WT.
Buzz Words Used In Watchtower Publications
This Clearly Shows . . .
Obviously . . .
The Bible plainly says . . . (Even if the Bible plainly says something, the Watchtower is expert in twisting that scripture to mean something else.)
Logically . . . (I love this one. It means that "we are guessing here". We're probably wrong, but for now we'll take a chance.")
Has clearly shown . . .
Justifiably . . .
We have clearly seen . . .
Surly this is reasonable . . .
The evidence shows . . .
We might reasonable assume. . . (This is another good one. Reasonable to whom?)
The evidence should be clear . . .
Most/Many Scholars . . . (What scholars? Name them. Who are these scholars. I am beginning to think that it is a family named "Scholars.")
Reasonably, then . . .
Surely then . . .
Thus the facts make clear . . . (The Watchtower made up the facts.)
Truly . . .
What must one do . . .
Most certainly...
Of course...
Isn't it reasonable to conclude... (We don't really know, we're guessing.)
Fine examples...
Thus, we can see
A mature christian...... (Who doesn't want to be a mature christian. After this phrase we are all apt to agree with what is being said.)