It now appears that the WT can DF you just by marking you. This happened to my me and my wife a few week ago. A Marking talk was given at the mid-week meeting in which no names were mentioned yet a detailed description of the "offending bastards" was delivered so that there as no doubt who this "pond scum" might be. We have seen the effects of this as we are now completely shunned by ones that would greet us before. I believe this has a lot to do with the discussion I had with Tweedle Dum a few weeks ago. In my post " I went Elder hunting Yesterday". I got a lot of backlash from some on this site, however my little exercise yielded the results I was seeking. 1. To leave us alone, no more "friendly shepherding calls", late night phone calls to trap us into saying something they could use against us. 2. Scare the shit out of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and the rest of the committee by threatening to sue their dumb asses if they pursued us in any official way. 3. Acting like Dirty Harry and telling them to go Fuck themselves. I Remain.
New light!.....DFed without being DFed
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Paging @stuckinarut2... he and his wife are privy to this New Shite, also. -
Thanks for the thread post TPTT.
Its really a very cowardly move when we think about it. Slander someone's name and reputation, yet allow them no chance to repudiate the malicious rumours or embellished stories!
It smacks of a desperate high control regime who feels they have the right to ruin the lives of those who choose to simply stand up for Truth and Honesty.
Well, when I say "ruin the lives" , that would only occur if we actually cared about what a bunch of conditional ex friends gossip about....
Are you serious
Did they actually use "offending bastards" and "pond scum" in the marking talk?
Tight Pants Twinkle Toes
Are you serious.....of course those are our new nicknames Lol
Tight Pants Twinkle Toes
Stuck.. Yeah, but we really don't care do we?
To hell with those people anyways! All they are good at these days is finger pointing and judging others, as if they somehow are superior to you.
We had this happen again to us recently. We left over a year ago and recently our cleaning lady who is a witness suddenly decided after "talking to the elders and doing research in the Bible" that she can no longer clean for us. She only comes once a month and they are really struggling financially. We always way over pay for her service and yet for whatever reason the elders are AGAIN talking about us behind our backs. We've just got our baby home from a 78 day stay in NICU. We haven't had time to get into trouble lol.
tightster - Scare the shit out of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and the rest of the committee by threatening to sue their dumb asses if they pursued us in any official way.
Good man! this has my approval 100%. threaten their wallets (or is that 'pocketbook' where you are?).
......and this is why they didn't mention your names directly. Chickens!
Tight Pants Twinkle Toes
Darkknight...I hope your baby is well...Bless you and your wife. no doubt about it this is a Chickenshit bunch of people!
Marking isn't new.
And it is obviously done in a way to avoid litigation. They tell enough personal details (and count on the rumormill) that clues people in who they are to shun.
Technically, JWs can greet and speak to marked ones. They just can't "associate" with them.