The best way to expose the ignorance and evil at the heart of the Watchtower is to let a JW speak.
EVERY Religion has Hypocrites- even the TRUE One!
by MuchCloserLook 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
days of future passed
I sat in a stadium in 1974 and listened to the keynote talk on Sunday. In 1975, 6,000 years of Adam will have come to it's completion in fall. Whether it's a few months or weeks after that, the nations will know..... What will you be doing? Will you be out in service? etc.
What I really liked several years ago at another assembly, was the fact that they mocked those that had listened to that talk (and others) and believed that 1975 was Armageddon. They linked them with that guy who had a date for armaggedon to arrive - Harold Camping. hahaha yes those brothers had credit card debt hahaha except most loyal Jw's had sold houses and businesses to intensify the preaching - all the while being praised by the GB.- and then suffered afterwards because of listening to them. hahaha the joke was on them. And the last video the GB made on the subject - painted them as spiritually weak for believing them that 1975 was an important year.
Just goes to show that they rationalize, excuse and blame others for their own mistakes. And God? He must accept that hypocritical stuff from them because he's done nothing to correct them. Just like he accepts all the other religious hypocrites.
Yes, the religion mocked people who followed their advice and expected the World to end in 1975.
The problem is that some Witnesses are doing something similar today. You have ‘need greaters’ going wherever. I don’t know if it’s the same level of irresponsibility of pre-‘75 with people running up credit card bills, but some of that mentality is still there from what I’ve heard..(I guess some younger JWs didn’t personally know of any older JWs who gave everything away...only to have to quietly rebuild their life from scratch after ‘75 came and went!)
I came into the religion a young adult in the late seventies and nobody talked about the 1975 fiasco or what led up to it. This might have influenced my decision to join the religion.
Addressing the last sentence in your first post: “So among the many things real Christians have to endure - is often each OTHER.”
I know the Witnesses love to compare themselves to first century Christians and “continue putting up with one another..”.
The problem is I do not equate modern day Jehovah’s Witnesses (motley group, corrupt bunch with con artists among them) with first century Christians..No, they are not cut from the same cloth.
This religion has the capacity to ruin people’s lives, IMO..You are not in reality about this...They want total intrusiveness into people’s minds and lives with particular damage to women if they don’t look out for themselves.. I’m not going to go into my personal story, but I’m glad I got OUT.
LHG, what group, then do YOU compare with the first Christians, you imply had no such problems?
(PS-they DID! Read your Bible THRU)
I don’t consider ANY such group or religion today to be comparable to the first century Christians. They lived in a different world....While I didn’t imply first century Christians had ‘no’ problems- they certainly didn’t have the SLEAZE of today’s world.
I did read the bible. And even though they had bad characters here and there, its not like today.
When they said ‘putting up with one another’ - it probably had to do with personality clashes, business disagreements.. I do NOT believe it had to do with people allowing themselves to be victimized in the various ways Witnesses screw each other over: child molestation, etc., preventing people from going to the police and other overstepping of boundaries (that I would not allow personally in MY life.)
If you want to believe that the definition of ‘putting up with each other’ includes modern-day atrocities of degraded people who bear no resemblance to bible characters, go right ahead. But, I disagree with you.
Then you forgot MUCH!
But alas the Bible is still inspired of God- people or NO people!
While your counting service time, I'll give you more.
After over 30 years of being a JW, there are MANY things about the ORG that disturb me- yet NO ONE ELSE even ACKNOWLEDGES the Only True God, as Jesus referred to Him.
There are so many religions that refer to god as 'Jehovah' throughout their entire discourses. So there goes that basic premise you started on. Do your research. Or do you still let the GB tell you what you can and cant read?
Not only has the bible been translated so many times. There are also books missing from the bible. 13 or more. You might be surprised whats in them.
The NWT was written by men who didn't even know Hebrew or Greek but lied and said they did. But they said they did not under oath. How you can trust any religion that does that is beyond my comprehension.
You said there are many things that disturb you bout the borg. Interesting.
What do you find disturbing?
Is it the known fact they hide pedophiles?
Is it the known fact that they had their UN card , you know the beast?
Is it all the 'worldly' stocks and bonds they are invested in. Like oil and tobacco?
Is is the light that gets brighter but dims and goes dark and gets brighter again?
Is it the shunning of someone that kissed someone 'in the heat of the moment' yet a pedophile goes free and gets to sit right next to little kids at the hall?
Is it the countless members who died needing a blood transfusion before they said blood fractions where okay?
Is it the Mansion they bought in California to house dead prophets when they came back to life?
Sounds like the "things to endure for
real jw Christians"are Cognitive dissonance.I'm glad we were able to help you put some time in for the month. You can count me as a return visit. lol
Anders Andersen
Learning the Catholic Cult was so deceptive, I almost gave up on faith altogether
Huh, exactly what happened to me when I learned Watchtower leaders are disgustingly dishonest whenever they write about subjects where facts and evidence contradict their doctrine (age of mankind, Noah's flood, evolution, 607BCE) or when they need to shoehorn their previous statements into current doctrine.
If you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs are not worth defending.
MCL ,Do you believe "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial teaching,for reproving,for setting things straight,for disciplining in righteousness " 2 Tim.3:16
I presume you do, then why haven`t the Bible writers ,Apostles ,Disciples ,not to forget Jesus Christ himself ever uttered the name / word Jehovah / Yehovah under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in recording the Christian Greek Scriptures .?
Where as over 20 times in the C.G.S. written under Holy Spirit the writers admonish Christians / followers of Jesus Christ to be witnesses of him and not Jehovah.
Phil.2:10 "in the name of Jesus every knee should bend" as in worship and not to Jehovah. "and God gave him a name that is above every other name " including that name of Jehovah.
These are God`s words written down by men under the direction of Holy Spirit .
"Aid To Bible Understanding" Acknowledges Yahweh is probably the more correct pronunciation of Gods name .
And that they chose Jehovah because it was the most popular name in use.