In everlasting life.....what happens when...?

by Frantic 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    Sad to say frantic but I believe the answer to your question

    It would be kinda weird to see your great great great great great great grandma the same age as you, u know?

    After your both dead thousands of years you still won't be the same age but the resemblence will be striking.

    Hopefully I'm wrong

  • gumby

    If your going to believe in the bible, then believe what it says. Nowhere in the words of jesus or those who followed him, did they speak of such a thing. They spoke of having different bodies such as that of christ.......not the shame shitty one ya died with. All mentioned in the NT are spoken of as being with seperate class of earthly ones. Many other than witnesses, believe jesus and his bride will live on earth for a thousand years. dubs aren't the ones to hold a patent on this idea.


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