Hi sl
And many thanks for the links.
Later today I am going to see if I can get one of Chgo's newspapers interested in a few of these links,especially after that trite misrepresentative piece they published regarding the recent convention at Comiskey park.
If not ,Im going to follow Scorpions lead(Thank you Scorp btw) and place a few ads myself today.
With much appreciation for the info and the motivation,Tina
(who is feeling the need to get off her duff and start doing some concrete work on this) :>
Are Pedophiles Knocking At Your Door?
by silentlambs 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Fred: I have seen your posts all over the WT related boards. If you are a JW, then you are being disobedient to the WT by visiting these boards. If you are not a JW, then this may explain your lack of knowledge concerning pedophiles in the WT. At any rate, I have followed Bill's story for months and I don't see what is wrong with what he is doing. As for you suggesting he start a "club", why don't you stick to pertinent points? Being a wise guy doesn't diminish the problem of molesters being protected by the WT. If you don't have something intelligent to say, and you obviously don't, then why don't you just SHUT UP??
lets take it a step further silentlambs.
i printed up a sign and taped it to the inside of my back window to my car.
The lambs are roaring.
www.silentlambs.orgin nice big print.
i drive 2 hours a day.
someone will see it.
maybe even a victim.__
Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class. -
Great idea, Zev. I will do the same.
Thanks Zev, that was a great way to advertise, advertise, advertise.......nojw
I love the idea SL. This is a proactive way to let neighborhoods be aware of the "darker side" of the Watchtower Society. Keep doing what
you are doing. You are inspiring!! -
I have made up flyers with #4 on it as enquiries into display ads on the local religion pages didn't seem very cost effective. (I am taking the suggestion by metatron into consideration, however. I didn't check classified prices.)
I spent some time yesterday morning and afternoon beginning a distribution of the flyers to the members of several local congregations and particularly to the elders. In fact, rather than just hitting the known JW's, I blanketed the entire neighborhood, in the hopes that
a) the neighbors will ask the JW's what this is all about, perhaps in turn provoking,
b) the elders and other jaydubs' checking the silentlambs website and becoming ashamed of the policy and determining to also make a stand.In any event, it should serve well as advance publicity for the Dateline:NBC program.
I also posted and will continue to post these flyers on community bulletin boards at local stores. In addition, I am going to ask the local fast-food restaurants in the immediate vicinity of this year's District Convention to allow me to post a flyer on the window of their establishment during the convention week.
One other thing that I did have made up, but haven't decided whether or not to use, are two large banners reading www.jehovahs-witness.com and www.silentlambs.org to display on the front and rear windows of my car. I had in mind to go to the PUBLIC parking area at the convention site and just sit in my car with the banners displayed, refusing to move when the attendants [certainly] request me to leave. I would go very early in the day so as to get a good spot near the main entrance. I don't even need to be there all day.
Just each morning.My only hesitation is whether or not I want to be publicly identified as the local apostate creating all the trouble or not.
I have, on another thread posted yesterday, suggested a blood drive to "Save Jehovah's Witnesses". It plays on the fact that Witnesses will use up immense quantities of donated blood to get the fractions they are allowed to use now, but they are still restricted from GIVING blood to the very system that helps them without prejudice.
Also, the local display ad rep, when she heard what the sugject of my ad was about, DID suggest that I contact editorial about an article to run concurrently with the local DC. So others might wish to pursue that avenue as Tina is thinking of doing.
In just a few hours work, I'll have had several congregations wondering what's going on and where this "attack" is coming from.
And I'm planning on widening out to as many congregations as I and my exJW friends can remember names and addresses!Despite the good done by participation on this board, may I encourage everyone to think about how they, personally and locally, can further WT reform on these two vital issues?
We had a sister in our congregation who was molested by an elder. She was only 9 years old when he started to molest her and when she got the courage to speak she was 13 years old. By this time he had actually had intercourse with her and all . They actually blamed her for not speaking up sooner and said that she had consented so they disfellowshipped her The elder was repentent and was removed as an elder, but he is still in the congregation and his wife was told to forgive him for it and stay with him.
And he knocks on doors too
WOW!!! Outnfree, you are awesome!!
got me thinking. though still "in", i'm wondering.
i have a complete list of all the members in the local congregation. complete with addresses. i wonder if anonymous snail mail would be appropriate. no return address. nothing to say who its from. and one piece of paper in it. with silent lambs stuff.the wheels are turning.
good idea?
Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.