The entire internal religious culture of the Watchtower Organization is harmful for its current members.
The culture seems to traverse ethnic and national barriers. However, the worst of each culture all around the world appears to have a symbiotic relationship with the religion in an attempt to make the Org fanciful in every nation and locality. This is one of the most ingenious of all religions devised, a real estate business in the guise of religion and a former big publishing corporation masquerading as a worldwide religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the greatest con men on the earth. Now, Jehovah’s Witnesses are becoming an online religion.
Why Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot see it baffles me. Kingdom Hall maintenance seems to have taken priority over the ministry. How can they not see rhus is now a very secular religion? Letter writing has replaced the house to house ministry in many areas in the UK. How can they not see jws have lost their sense of urgency? A quick search on reddit and scrolling through reviews on Kingdom Halls indicates that letter writing is having more of a negative impact on their ministry than the public witnessing carts ever did. You never see people posting photos of jw carts and complaining about them as much as I have seen with the posts regarding their letters. Many people are annoyed and almost half expect jws to send them hand written letters regularly, something most people on reddit are saying is very weird. Complaints on Kingdom Halls telling jws to stop isn't making any changes because poor old Ida who may not be in this system another 5 years is as obsessed with writing and putting out letters as are young jws posting photos on social media. Letter writing is a stupid zealous obsession. In my day, the over 80s and 90+ publishers went out in the freezing cold for about an hour ministry, crippled with arthritis, amongst other ailments, and they always got home alive. My generation and younger seem to be pathetic victims of their ailments, using letter writing as an excuse to not face real people in everyday life, then they moan when they don't receive replies to their letters. The point is, they should get their arses out there and stop whining. The current laid back culture is killing the ministry. Another aspect or the internal culture is the present aloof state of the congregation elders around Britain. They do not take their sheep seriously. Nothing will ever please them, and they continue to gossip about members not doing what they want despite them not setting the example themselves. I hear in many congregations only 3 or 4 go out in a group each time which is absolutely ridiculous. The zeal has gone. Obedience to the org is a must at all costs. But the point is this, if the culture is changing like this, how long do they expect to carry on in the next 50 years? In that time, I don't expect to see the organization as it is today. It will probably be significantly smaller and die out similar to the Rastafarian movement. I sadly won't even be alive probably in the next 10/15 years to see Watchtower's demise. Like the accounts of many here, my posts will stay as a memoriam for researchers to look back upon when Watchtower finally comes to an end.