Even tho I've been expelled about 4 years now, I truly checked out around 2015. Changes in the org I think we're just starting to get going. I remember the kingdom songs suddenly getting the Taylor swift treatment aka pop music treatment. Meetings were getting axed or meshed together or something. The school meeting during the week was already so confusing to me after months of not paying attention to what was being done even tho I would give parts still hehe. What's his name from the governing body hadn't gotten kicked out yet. A friend told me the org not too long ago ordered publishers to go back to their neighborhood kingdom halls instead of wherever they wanted to. So apparently you can't just pick and choose wherever you want to go now. What are the young people especially looking like these days?
What's the org like now?
by Leathercrop 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
(What are the young people especially looking like these days?)
Well, in this picture a male is wearing his Nike tennis shoes at the convention.
In this picture, there are 4 guys wearing their Kilts to the convention.
History of the "Kilts".https://www.lochcarron.co.uk/our-journal/the-history-of-the-kilt/
Atlantis! -
In the past few years things have been quite boring in JW Land, with the exception of Tony Morris 3 getting "the boot" (with no kind of official explanation), and the recent adjustments mentioned in the latest Annual Meeting (and only some of them being officially posted on JW-dot-bOrg). The "biggie" made public is no more Field Service report for hours, placements, etc. ONLY a report of whether a publisher is "active" in the past month. (ANY "witnessing" counts.) Other big changers have not made it to the public website yet (so only now known by those in attendance at the AM or by those reading apostate sites).
By boring, I mean no more "tight pants/bright socks" condemnation talks. No more "burnt hot dogs" comparison to those dying at Armageddon. No more "mentally diseased" references to apostates. No more "small brained" women talks. I think they got so much flack over such things that the lawyers warned them to tone it down!
The biggest news is the direction to go back to the Hall for meetings (vs Zooming) but only 50% are showing up in person. Of course there have been a lot of Halls sold off in the past 5-10 years (and the Society pockets the money). AND, there are all the CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) lawsuits, investigations, etc all over the world. WTS looks at least as bad as the Catholic Church did when scrutinized.
As far as you having been expelled -- WT is taking a "softer" stance publicly in print or in court testimony on DF/DA persons, but in reality taking a stronger/more dogmatic stance "in secret" via public talks and "private" instruction to elders. (Of course thanks to all the LEAKS from hidden PIMOs, NOTHING IS SECRET!) Die hard JWs are taking the hardline while many others are bending the rules as they please and NOT shunning their kids/grandkids even if it means doing it secretly so stay off the radar of the elders.
Remember: The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
Thx for the summary Desirous, I didn't know about the zoom instructions. So what happens if you decide you want to stay on zoom? Is this grounds for "getting in trouble"?
Beth Sarim
The Borgs business model is simply rebranding. Reinventing.
So what happens if you decide you want to stay on zoom? Is this grounds for "getting in trouble"?
First let me make clear that I haven't stepped in a Hall in years. This is all what I'm hearing from JW friends/family -- many who are PIMO.
Evidently CO's are raising hell with the Elders & MS in their "private" meetings during the CO visit although it's just been mentioned to the R&F via encouraging talks and announcements.
Years ago signing in to the meetings by phone was reserved for the elderly, infirm, and housebound. Zoom meetings during covid opened the Pandora's box. Lazy ass JW's that don't want to get dressed up prefer Zoom. PIMO JW's that just want to "sign in" and mute it all prefer Zoom. It's going to be difficult to get those groups back in full Cult Meeting Mode.
Atlantis: "In this picture, there are 4 guys wearing their Kilts to the convention"
Are kilts one of those areas the WT would love to weigh in on, but know that they just couldn't get away with it. Are sarongs treated the same way? Can Japanese JWs wear kimonos?
"I remember the kingdom songs suddenly getting the Taylor swift treatment.."
Pppfttt. LOL. Based.
Well, that Kilts link gives a history of the "short-kilts" as coming from a "military" background. So it is something the Tower could complain about.
All around the world people wear local clothing to meetings. In Africa they wear local dress. Here in London even the Elders wear local dress code from original country.
At the memorial and conventions these days people wear dress code from other countries. White brothers borrowed Africa, Indian and Asian clothing.
it’s funny to see Japanese sisters in a Sari from India or non Japanese wearing Kimonos