The WTS encouraged us to have one, I alway found it funny when people would desplay it where everyone could see it to show how busy they are in the Lords work.
by karter 11 Replies latest jw friends
The WTS encouraged us to have one, I alway found it funny when people would desplay it where everyone could see it to show how busy they are in the Lords work.
Never saw that, but I kept a private one to keep track of my time in general. Some jws were always doing this to show how righteous they were. I guess they missed these words from Jesus (reporting not supporting) Matthew 6:1-4 " “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
The only Scheduler I know should properly be called OCD. Do something to throw the time clock off and the whole day is ruined.
I never did, I knew I would not stick to it, like my To Do List !
After my wife of the time nagged and nagged and nagged and nagged about having a "skedule", I finally relented and gave it a try. Very quickly, though, I gave up in pure disgust!
Interestingly, one of the body of elders who had much to say about the matter of schedules / timetables privately admitted that the only one which worked for him was "strike while the iron is hot".
That was the modus operandi which I had already adopted, so he was telling me nothing at all.
I remember the encouragement manipulation to have one but could never seem to get one going thus feeling bad about myself
No, I was never good at setting goals or making schedules. Always seemed, and seems , as soon as I plan something, something unexpected comes up and I have to change it. An elder I admired once made out a schedule for me. As he suggested how I should arrange my time I tolerated it but wanted to say "This could only work if I were some kind of mechanical clockwork wind up machine.Instead, I have feelings, moods, family needing my material and emotional support, and physical limits." This brother seemed able to do it all. In addition to being an elder, he sometimes pioneered and had an executive position at a large company. I figured he just didn't worry about being tired and did it all by prayer and willlpower, so I attempted to follow his example and pushed myself to keep going and do everything, until one night, as I was preparing to leave for my night job, I had an emotional crash and found myself screaming so loud that neighbors called the police, who came to our door to see what was wrong. I was embarrassed and assured them I wasn't going to hurt myself or anyone else. After that I decided I had to use my time, my way with sufficient rest and recreation to keep myself mentally stable. I think now, that elder was able to do it because all he did was his stuff while his wife shouldered the burden of everything else in their lives...
"Windup machine" is what they want. And it is always the executive job elders who manipulate the rest. Like brother country club with a second winter home in Florida who was always given the assembly talk on simplify your life
I did follow these schedules, and while I was never able to stick to them strictly, they did help me become more productive. In fact, I used a similar schedule earlier this year. I’m still not following it perfectly, but if I can get there, I’ll be happier.
I remember when I was a JW, I used to think: If I ever leave, I’ll finally have time to do this or that. So when I did leave, I made sure to stay productive and hold on to my goals. I’m not 100% where I want to be, but I’m satisfied with my progress.
On the other hand, I’ve seen plenty of people leave the JWs and fill their newfound free time with Netflix and endless scrolling. If that’s what they want, that’s fine—but for me, I make sure to set goals. The discipline I learned as a JW helps with that.
There’s a lot I wish had been different about my time as a JW, but if I can take anything positive from the experience—like reading, public speaking, sales skills, or discipline—I’ll make sure to hold onto those.
I missed this thread earlier - saw it and read it days ago, meant to comment, but it slipped my mind until I rediscovered it just now. (Maybe I should have put it on a schedule!)
I was never one for a schedule as such, but I did learn - from "secular" work especially once I got promotion to a team lead role, years before becoming a JW - to do some sort of scheduling or time allocation, though it's usually just jotting down a breakdown of time in a day/week eg:
Mon AM - do X
Tue PM before 5 - do Y
... and so on.
Specific enough to make sure I didn't miss the essentials, but flexible enough to adjust for the unexpected.
One thing I definitely NEVER did was set "spiritual goals". I never saw the point, especially as most of the "goals" described tended to be things like "go to Bethel" or "serve where the need is greater" and so on, which were more about serving the wants of the organisation than really growing as a person.
Meeting preparation I'd just fit in as and when, and as time went by it became easier as I knew the points and scriptures that would keep coming up and the meetings got dumbed down, to the point where I just skimmed the material before the meeting - or even an item or two ahead while at the meeting itself. I'd spend a bit more time preparing if I was the one doing the item, but they were all usually quite simplistic anyway, and I was never an elder expected to give a public talk or convention item. One of those 15 minute talks or 20 minute Q&A items from the old Kingdom Ministry was about my limit.
The things I thought really spiritually important - growing closer to God, better understanding the Bible, developing Christian "qualities" - perhaps strangely didn't seem to me to be things you could set a specific "goal" for. I saw them as continuous parts of your "journey" or way of life.
For example, it seems absurd to me to say: "This week I'm setting a goal to work on humility" - as if you're just going to train a bit then "perfect" that quality and move on to the next one. Yet that's exactly what the JW org recommends to the R&F, as if you can just neatly allocate time like that.
I do agree with StephaneLaliberte that the one skill I benefitted by from JW "training" was public speaking in front of a crowd. It came in handy in the workplace once I had to start giving presentations to groups of 100+ in an auditorium. The nerves were still there, but I knew how to control them and get on with what I had prepared, and was also better prepared to handle Q&As, ad lib or deal with distractions when the need arose.