Breaking news: Islamic Terrorist Attack in Stockholm Sweden involving stolen truck, 3 gunmen on the loose!

by kpop 76 Replies latest social current

  • kpop

    Nothing says, "I'm a proud feminist" like wearing a headscarf that literally says, "I'm in subjection to men."

    Is there something in the water?

  • cofty

    No country on earth has thrown open its borders to mass immigration as Sweden has.

    It is cultural suicide.

  • cofty
  • freemindfade

    As a gun rights advocate as I have always said, those determined to do harm, will find a way, whether it's a gun, a bomb, a plane, a truck, or a knife. They are going to hurt people somehow.

    These morons killed a dog too this time. That really pisses me off

  • Bugbear


    When did you hear the Swedish prime minister say : “"This has nothing to do with Islam.", I live in Sweden and I have listen to all broadcasts over internet, Facebook, radio and TV, and not once I have heard the Swedish prime minister ever said these words. In fact It looks like that nobody knows who is behind this horrible deed.

    However in even a country with just about 10 million of citizen, there will always pop up one or two individuals with a disturbed brain… that just wants to make their mark in the history. The last time it happened was in Stockholm in December 2010. This event was with a depressed disturbed Muslim, that just happened to blow up himself, but no other, in the same street at drottninggatan. Living his wife and children in destress in London. It is not about religion, as JW,s, it is about brain damage and brainwash…

  • Landy

    Has this suddenly become a Britain First forum?

    Jesus wept.

  • Bugbear


    If you call this a "It is cultural suicide." then the US must have committed this "It is cultural suicide." in or at least 200 hundred years.

  • freemindfade
    It is not about religion, as JW,s, it is about brain damage and brainwash…


  • redvip2000
    It is not about religion, as JW,s, it is about brain damage and brainwash…

    Again the same old tired and ridiculous argument. "It's not about the religion". Guess is about religion.

    If i start a religion today and my religious book says that all my followers should kill swedish people, but only 2 percent of my followers do it, how is this not my fault?? I imagine you can argue that these 2 percent should know better, but this does not alleviate my guilt in that i'm promoting this sort of hate.

  • freemindfade

    Bugbear, when you are done taking crazy pills why don't you look up Muslim apostate Ayaan Hirsi Ali.If you don't believe this is about religion, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn...

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