The idea that armed civilians could resist real military is ridiculous.
It's not, really though. The likelihood that the US would have a dictator who would turn the full power of the military on its own people is far-fetched to the extreme so much that it's laughable.
But rogue local police? Yes, that can happen. What is more likely is deteriorating conditions created by a socialist government enacting ill-conceived policies that means it's every man for himself.
This is what happens first and is happening now in the socialist poster-child of Venezuela. Even there, it's not the military that is the big threat to most people, it's other people.
US citizens would be mad to hand over their weapons and their right to posses them are protected by their 2nd amendment so give it up, it's not going to happen in the US especially when a major political party is openly advocating for illegal immigrants and making criminals untouchable by law enforcement.
What the NZ prime-minister is doing is petty token gimmicks to look good. Wearing a headscalf and playing the muslim call to prayer is a fucking insult to those enslaved by that religion and must be chilling to ex-members of it who fear reprisals for leaving. It seems like an overly emotional response rather than a well considered one and banning guns is a knee-kerk, simplistic reaction that we won't know the full ramifications of for many years to come.