What are your convictions now that you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Are you a born again Christian? Have you joined another denomination of Christianity? Are you now atheist or agnostic? I ask these questions because of a conversation I had once with my father who said "If none of this is true, then there is no truth." So I thought that his reasoning was pretty interesting, it kind of gave me a little insight as to how a Witness would react to learning TTATT. I've read a lot of experiences of former JWs who lose all faith in God and become atheist or agnostic, and I've also read other experiences of people who have become born again Christians or are practicing another faith. Personally, now that I've learned about the Society, things I never knew when I wasn't "awake", I am unsure of where I stand with my own convictions. And I'm sure this feeling must be normal with anyone who finds out about TTATT. But what made you become an atheist or agnostic or a born again Christian, or even join another denomination or religion? Did you find any questions you had about life finally answered with your new beliefs? Are you on a personal level, happier with your new convictions? Please feel free to share. Thank you.