Still no U turn on vax mandates for all schools

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Freeorange

    Hello all - this is my first time posting here. Been lurking for awhile. This is exactly why me and my elder husband did a hard fade and he stepped down. The GB v@x was like an ice water wake up for us. We were born ins, RP, need greaters, full time RBC and LDC, months at Warwick, and on and on. Once the GB updates started the v@x push we realized something was seriously wrong and we started for the first time ever to do our own research. Let’s just say it’s always follow the $$ and this org is filthy all the way through. We’re out and working on our family now.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Hello and a warm welcome to the forum.

    Congrats for getting out of the Borg. Hope your family ''wakes'' just like you did.

    On a side note.. Perhaps you should read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz. You realize the Borg is rotten at the top and filthy all the way through.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Freeorange I do completely understand where you are coming from but why hard fade? Why not stay physically in at least a little for all the benefits?

    what are your beliefs now? Do you believe in intelligent design or chance as the origin of life?

    Im staying physically in, such good social life and real good friends who will be there for you in times of need. It’s the friends why I’m staying physically in.

    I have no doubt the Governing body are wrong on many things, they are imperfect men. Just look at TOMO3 and the other three GB members who were taken off.

    But I’m open to the possibility that the Bible is the word of God and maybe JWs are one of the closest if not the closest to the truth. That’s why it’s all so interesting studying the Bible but with an open mind and keeping critical thinking.

    Im sitting on the fence that’s why I’m PIMA. Physically in mentally Agnostic.

    Im still not willing to commit to either intelligent design or chance. Either could be a possibility but either way I think the Bible does change lives and it is beneficial

  • Person

    Why not stay physically in at least a little for all the benefits?

    Maybe some people just do not want to support corrupt greedy liars even though it involves some losses? Maybe for some people being honest in life is more important than some benefits? And the Bible is still available for everyone. You don't have to support any human organization to read it and to use this knowledge in your life.

  • TonusOH

    What are the benefits that you get from staying in, that would make all of the other stuff worth dealing with?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The benefits are the friends and the social element. I actually love meeting up for meetings and ministry groups and always ending back at someone’s for coffee and treats.

    The great gatherings and get togethers.

    what do you mean all the other stuff worth dealing with? There is no other stuff that is hard. I love the Bible and love studying it.

    I don’t think the governing body is right about everything at all but I love the Bible.

    JWs have the best research guides and the intro videos for each book of the Bible is way ahead of anyone else

  • Person

    ExBethelitenowPIMA you are very upset about GB pushing vax and rightly so, but at the same time being an elder you are still very strong supportive to them, so you are partly responsible for their doings. Can't you see that?

    Read John 10 1-13 and ask yourself: do I really want to be the "hired man" who exposes sheep to the wolves?

  • TonusOH

    ExB: what do you mean all the other stuff worth dealing with?

    For many JWs, the meeting schedule can be onerous, and the field ministry as well. The level of control from the organization can become an issue from many possible angles (work, physical appearance, social circle, choice of entertainment, etc). Or --a matter more relevant to you-- the pressure being put on the members to get vaccinated and boosted against COVID.

    I mean, you're aware that they would drag you into a judicial committee for reading and posting on this site, yes? Or even for expressing the doubts that you do? (Doubts that any of us would find reasonable, but not the WTS.) They ask for considerable control of your thoughts and actions and they expect you to give up a lot of personal freedom. None of the benefits sound like something you could not get elsewhere, without all of the restrictions and rules.

  • Elmer

    Don’t waste your time Tonus. This dude is a troll from way back. Just changes his handle every once in a while….

  • Freeorange

    I can’t imagine any “benefits” worth betraying your own integrity and playing along with the now obvious insanity that is the GB. One thing I didn’t say that had probably the biggest impact on our waking up is we have run a natural health business for close to a decade. We’ve worked with more than 20k clients in all 50 states and 20 different countries. We obviously work with many JWs including many still in Bethel. We tried to warn about the v@x when the rollout was happening. Regretfully we allowed the GB updates and the disgusting elder gag letter to silence us. We truly wish we had spoken up and had been braver. Now on a daily basis our clients come in with horrific v@x injuries and illness. Many have already died and this has all happened since early 2021. We have many JW’s come in with all kinds of reactions including their children they v@x’d and they all say the same thing “we were being obedient “. They all beg us not to tell anyone they’re having problems, there is a huge cover up and lying going on. It’s ramping up quickly.

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