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Evolution or Creation Poll
by Vanderhoven7 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does believing in cell to man evolution require faith?
I accept evolution based upon the probability factor of given evidence, included in part of that evidence is the indefensible fact of human ignorance by are predecessors.
Doug Mason
Great idea. Thank you.
I think the theory is the best we have on how life developed but two things I have to question, one how did life start? And 2 I listen to some math scientists etc and they stated that jumping from one type of species like reptile to mammal is mathematically all but impossible. So im sure on that one either?
I listen to some math scientists etc and they stated that jumping from one type of species like reptile to mammal is mathematically all but impossible
Life has never 'jumped' from one species to another. If you could hold hands with your mother who held hands with her mother who held hands with her mother and so on and on back for thousands of generations you would not notice any change from one generation to the next. But if you compared your mother to her gx5000 grandmother you would see that they were very different. And then as you come forwards you would see another branch of a line stretching forward into the present day that evolved in a different way and gradually became modern primates.
Also never listen to mathematicians about evolution or to taxi drivers about politics. If you want to know if speciation is possible talk to a biologist or a geneticist.
Does believing in cell to man evolution require faith? - Vander
No of course not. That is an old canard that creationists use in order to pretend science is no different from religion. Only somebody who has no knowledge of the facts could take refuge in such a facile idea.
This evolutionist seems to be guessing a lot
Vander - why did you post such a facile discussion? Please tell me you are not impressed by that creationists bullshit ' questions'
I assure you that trivia is NOT ' an atheists nightmare'.
You do know that the vast majority of Christians accept the fact of evolution?
Dan Barker in the video is a former pastor.
You don't deny evolution do you Vander?