Thank you Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho for explaining that!
In Sydney, and ex jw gathering, with an apperance by Angus Stewart!
by nonjwspouse 62 Replies latest jw experiences
Ah can I please say as a person who attended this event that this was free to attend to those who responded to the limited number of invites.
Where do you ever get to go to an event that has this caliber of venue or level of organisation and catering for NOTHING? The organisers should be praised for their selfless sacrifice to the community they are doing a service to, including getting getting Lloyd and his family out to Australia. No such thing as a free lunch... Someone has to pay for it
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Normalfulla Sacha and Sherrie outdid themselves.
@ScenicViewer :) It was the aposta-event of the decade. We had Susan Gaskin beamed in from cyberspace, our very own @dubstepped/Michael Shemwell, among others who were with us in pixels and spirit. Moving speech by ExJw Fifth/Cliff, and many others.
@doubtful1799 pictured left, @stuckinarut2 centre, and @JWfacts right.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
ExJW Fifth reminding us that whatever your freedom costs, we should be willing to pay the price. Because it's so f*cking worth it.
@stuckinarut2 sharing a laugh with Angus Stewart.
Who is mr Stewart?
Wake me up before you Jo-Ho
Yes, @Listener. Donations. Aren't you wondering how a five star, fully catered event on the harbor hosting 134 guests with NO cover charge got funded? I'm glad Lloyd did have the voice to speak up on behalf of the two generous hosts who single-handedly foot the bill of the entire event themselves. You know who you are. ❤️
No I wouldn't be wondering how an event like that was funded. I assumed that most people attending would have paid a cover charge and I think most people would have been prepared to do that. That was extremely generous of the two hosts to foot the entire bill themselves. Because, as you say, they footed the entire bill themselves which would have meant that nobody donated which is unfortunate.
Since Lloyd knew this then why did he get the hosts to ask for donations themselves rather than doing it himself and making it clear what the donations were going to be used for. It would have been very awkward for the hosts to ask for donations and also say that the donations were to reimburse their own costs. What a shame, since he's not by any means, backwards in coming forwards.
Anyway, as it was Lloyd already did his self promotion and personal money earning venture during the event by holding a session of book signing. I think someone said that he had cartons of both his books available.
I really think you are exaggerating a bit here Wakemeupbeforeyoujoho which is a shame. You claim that it was a fully catered event funded fully by the Hosts. You know full well that guests bought there own drinks which makes your statement incorrect. And before you go off the deep end again, I think that the Hosts were very, very generous, both of their time and money, it was very kind of them to do that. -
Half banana
Re Cedars getting remuneration for his activism.
Which is the more honest: spending all your time exposing a harmful cult vs getting paid in false promises working for the JW org?
Half Banana, he doesn't spend all his time exposing the Watchtower. He spends time conjuring up ways of getting money. Printing copies of Crisis of Conscience and plastering his own website on the back of it and advertising them for sale when he wasn't the copyright owner or didn't have permission is one example. -
I have no problem with Lloyd Evans or anyone else generating income to support their activism. If anything, this can be a positive thing.
I do have a problem with people who cause unnecessary and avoidable division in the exJW community.
Don't misunderstand me, we've always had differences and arguments but we've never been as divided as we are now.
Printing copies of Crisis of Conscience and plastering his own website on the back of it and advertising them for sale when he wasn't the copyright owner or didn't have permission is one example.
Re- the re-printing Crises Of Conscience. Yeah I can see why some could be miffed by that. But let's be honest, how many of us actually bought the old edition of the book for over £100? I didn't. Mine was a PDF! Yes, an "illegal copy". Without it I wouldn't have been able to read it.
Before the new edition came out (which I did buy) no one knew if it was ever going to be republished. That would be Watchtowers wet dream.