What were some of yours? The big one in our hall was no frontal hugs! These were generally thought of as inappropriate, only side hugs should be given between sisters and brothers.
Unwritten, congregational 'rules'
by Thetruthhurts 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Doctor Who
Where to begin????
No sitting next to ANYONE of the opposite sex if you are not dating and or married. The only exception is if you are late and the attendant sits you next to them.
No bow ties if you have a meeting part. If you wear one, you will be pulled into the back room after the meeting.
No pink dress shirts. You might catch te geys if you do!
If you are a male and cleaning the women's restroom, someone needs to stand at the door way to warn any sister you're in there (also true for women cleaning the men's room.)
I could go on but this is making me sick, LOL!
Muddy Waters
Brothers, especially elders who are married, sit on the aisle seats. If his wife should sit there instead of hm, it could look like she is unsurping his headship.
Sisters should always wear nylons. I think this rule is more relaxed now, but once upon a time, it was quite scandalous to wear a dress or skirt and have bare legs!
Sisters should always have their hemline well below the know, and “even more so” if having a part on stage.
A brother may have a well-kept moustache but never a beard. (I understand this rule may also be more flexible.)
A sister singing “so let’s watch how we talk and watch how we walk” may be construed as a sister - gasp! - giving counsel, so some song lyrics are now being adjusted.
One shouldn’t buy stuff second-hand or from garage sales because you risk picking up something which could allow demons into your home.
Oh so many more....
At one time men were not allowed to give parts unless they wore a white dress shirt. I was told there were congregations that had spare white dress shirts just in case a brother with a part showed up with a colored shirt on.
You have to wear a suit to deliver the public talk. A sports coat and slacks was not allowed.
Pete Zahut
Two door cars and cars with wide tires and custom wheels (mine) were frowned upon.
No meeting with friends to study next Sundays Watchtower.
It's ok to ask someone why they weren't at the last meeting or haven't been seen in service lately.
It's ok for a kid (me) to come home and watch re-runs on TV but he can't be on the school swimming team because it would expose him to worldly influence.
JW boys (me) have to stand along the wall of the gym watching because they're not allowed to participate in wrestling in their P.E.class because their Presiding Overseer (who's son didn't want to wrestle) came to school with his green bible to show the gym teacher how it says that Christians don't need to learn to fight.
Omigosh and I thought my hall was bad! I had never heard of no bow ties but that doesnt surprise me at all! I remember a brother being counselled on his handlebar mustache because he was looking too much like a biker.
Keep em coming!
Had a school overseer who made a rule that you could not do Bible highlights unless you were doing away public talks
Not to criticize the po or his family even justifiably you lost the privilege of items on the service meeting for a few months
The ridiculous amounts of oppression in the JWS cult is real and active, everyone is suppose to be subservient to the spiritual powers at hand ie. elders, CO.s and up.
What a wasteful contrived life, built really around ignorance, fear, pretentiousness, power and corruption.
I remember a guy who started up with the JWS who was in a serious car accident which left his face badly scared, he started to wear a beard to cover up his scars out being self conscious and eventually was told to remove it by the elders.
If I remember he wasn't seen much at the KH after that.
I think we could be doing with that rule here. There was an older brother who used to hug everyone, but I suspect it was so he could pass off hugging sisters too as no big deal. Many in the congregation went along with this strange behaviour. Not me. I am not in favour of indiscriminate hugging beyond partner, and perhaps sometimes family. A good handshake will do, if necessary, thank you very much.
No sitting in same aisle each week; need to move around.
No working alone in service. That one burned me up because it was clearly wrong. I had references in JW publications showing it was wrong.
I was given a locally produced script/form for Sunday meeting chairmen to use. I was told in a stern voice: "use it!"
Many others.