Do You Consider The Ones You Left Behind In The Organization as Bro/Sis?

by AwakenedAndFree 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwakenedAndFree

    A very big thank you to all of you who responded to this thread! Thank you for your responses and insights.

    Gadget said:"All my friends when I was a jw now shun me, but I don't blame them, they're under mind control. I think about them all the time.

    Thank you for your post, Gadget. I really like what you said! They are indeed under mind control - they allow themselves to be ,and the result is disastrous! They act Un-godly, and Un-Christianly -( they are not Christians to me. Therefore I don't consider the ones who shun me Brother or Sister.

    Christian Love, AAF
  • invictus

    No, they are more like "good strangers and bad strangers",that`s all.So far our neighbours and co-workers seem to be better friends than witnesses, because they do not put any condition to their kindness and help.


  • HadEnuf


  • SpunkyChick

    Hell no!

  • Gadget

    When I think of the people I used to associate with I think opf two classes of people. There was some who I only had anything to do with because they ere witnesses, I do not view these people as my brother/sister. I did have some very very good friends there "There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother", and I found him. We've talked a few times since I was df'd, and I've bumped into him a few times when he was working. I can see the hurt in his eyes each time. When I went to the hall a few weeks ago he and his wife ended up walking out.

  • Enishi

    I've had some good friends in the kingdom hall who I was happy to call my brothers/sisters, people who were wonderful in spite of being witnesses. I hope that they'll still be friendly to me when I do one day leave, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Based on what I've read on this forum, I'll probably end up being shocked by the behavior of some of them when I fade out. Some of the people in the congregation though, I never once thought of them as being brothers or sisters, and I'm sure they didn't feel the same way about me.

    Even for those I'm friendly with, I don't feel that I can call them brothers or sisters. Back when I was still a loyal dub, the people who were friendliest to me were always my non-witness buddies. They were the ones who actually sought out to associate with me. I would always have to make plans myself with friends in the congregation in order to do anything with them, they were always busy with their various cliches and I was the oddball out of the group.

  • Flowerpetal

    Something is wrong when your friends from the KH are fair-weather friends--yet these same ones are admonished time and again not to be "fair-weather" Christians as in going in service in all types of weather.

    Just my 2 Cents.....

  • onacruse

    Yes, I do, except for the very few that deliberately and viciously hurt me directly and personally.


  • JH

    How about:

    Do you consider the posters here as your Bro/Sis?

    We have more in commun here on this forum than we have for those in the org.

  • shera

    To make a long story

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