I was raised a JW and left the organization when I was 18 years old. Many thought I left because I wanted to live a life full of drugs, sex, and rock and roll, which was not true at all. I left because I realized that these people had no idea what they were talking about and were simply parroting what the, " Society " , told them to believe. Yes, I left because of doctrinal differences and questions they could not answer. It was simply wait on Jehovah and he will eventually make it all clear through. " New Light ". Yeah right. My problem was if this is God's chosen organization why would there have to be doctrinal changes, I believe God could have gotten it correct the first time and new light would not be necessary. I am disfellowshipped and it was by my own choosing, I never went to a judicial hearing because these men had no jurisdiction over me so why would I attend their hearing. They came to where I worked and told me they were about to take action against me and I told them to do whatever was required because neither them nor their organization held any power over me and the action they took was for their benefit not mine. That was 30 some odd years ago and I haven't been a member since and will never be in the future. I am shunned by half of my family and it has never bothered me in the least as this is their issue and not mine. I am now in my 50's and have never regretted my decision to leave the organization. I am not bitter in fact I truly feel sorry for those who are Witnesses as they are allowing an organization to control every aspect of their lives and they live in bondage to that organization everyday. Oh, they will say they are not in bondage, but I was there and I remember it quite well. I have tried to find a religious organization where I fit in, but alas when any Church tells me I have to live any other way than what I have read in the Bible, simply because it is part of their dogma I simply walk away. I am now a a spiritual person not a religious person and I see good in many religions, but I also see the influence of man. So I simply look to my heart and the beautiful creation around me and commune with God in my own way.
May the light always guide you and darkness never bar your path. In Love and Peace.
The Seeker