Well, it's going to be an interesting couple of weeks

by logansrun 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    So, my cousin is getting married next weekend and I'm invited. Relatives flying into town on Monday, family dinners before the wedding, all that good stuff. Of course, they are all JWs.

    I will be seeing my sister and brother-in-law for the first time in 18 months. Yes, this is the brother-in-law who told me when I left the JWs, "I want you out of my house and never to talk to your sister again."

    Guess he didn't "really" mean it as I'll be at his house next Friday for a big family gathering (big in relative terms -- there will only be about a dozen people there). He's an ex-bethelite stick-up-his-ass elder by the way.

    My mom -- quite the liberal JW -- simply wants me to "take one for the team" and be a good little closed-mouthed apostate. Hmmm.....here I wanted to read my letter of dissassociation at the reception! (j/k)

    Anyway....this is big. There is this slight chance I could get "cornered" at the wedding seeing that there will at least be two elders from my last congregation there.

    This could be the end!!! Exhilerating, isn't it!


  • logansrun

    Hey, I wonder if I'll be able to score with some "weak" sister at the big R. Somma 'dem JW gals are hot, y'know.


  • cruzanheart

    Well, well, well, there is such potential for FUN here! What interesting conversations you can start! Or stop . . . .

    Really, though, I hope it goes well and I hope that the wedding is beautiful and unmarred by family strife. In fact, you could take the high road if anyone tries to argue with you and say, reprovingly, "Please, brother, this is my cousin's wedding day. It would be very unChristian to argue at a time like this. Let's just enjoy the occasion, as Jesus would have." Hopefully that will shut them up better than the subjects of the UN and child abuse.


  • Sassy

    Good Luck Bradley. Sounds like a bit of a tense situation to me..

  • logansrun


    The tension is unbearable. I think I'll need a release!


    Bradley > who knows the "who's who" of the "not doin' too good spiritually" class of x,x's

  • nilfun
    say, reprovingly, "Please, brother, this is my cousin's wedding day. It would be very unChristian to argue at a time like this. Let's just enjoy the occasion, as Jesus would have."

    Cruzanheart, you are GOOD, lol

    Good luck at the wedding, Logansrun.

  • logansrun

    I just got word that my just turned 21 year old cousin and his just turned 18 years old fiance are handing out invitations to this thing like Watchtowers on a busy street. I know of at least 3 extremely marginal JWs that will be at the reception. At least I'll have some normal people to talk to.

    Oh, and I'm bringing my own vodka, even if I have to hide the bottle down my pant leg.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hmm Logansrun...


    You can never go wrong with smiling alot.

    In your position, I might want to consider some scenario's that might arise and have in my mind how I do or do not wish to respond to them.

    When in stressful situations I also like to pick my battles where I might have the best results for me.

    Sometimes.. I have been known to stay out of the corners if I think I might be boxed into one.

    You could think of it like hockey and try to stay out of the corners so you don't get those hard gang up on you type of checks.

    Let us know how it all goes Bradley.


    Special K

  • DanTheMan

    Man I'm so glad I don't have family in the troof. Only in JW-land do you have to anticipate being confronted by the gestapo thought-police elders at a relatives wedding.

  • dawn27

    I faced a similar situation when my mom got married. I had been innactive and was engaged to an unbeliever. Also, I had been living out of the area and nobody in my home congregation had met my fiance yet. So, talk about uncomfortable, I had to walk into the hall with my wordly fiance after I had gone innactive and avoided the elders. I think that the best thing I did was to tell people how happy I was and not act intimidated. I know that some expect you to come back hanging your head and they play on that to act "superior" or "better than", but I went to the wedding with a smile and a handsome fiance who was dotting on me all day. I think that some of the sisters were jealous to be honest, cuz he was getting me drinks and opening doors for me, ect. I was never cornered by the elders that day, but they did talk to my fiance and asked him when the wedding was, where we were getting married, ect. They may have been fishing for a little info I guess. He was completely straight-forward and told them how happy he was with me. I think that they were a little suprized when he told them that we had been engaged for a year and a half already. So, I guess they probably figured out why I wasn't running to the hall to meet with them the year before, ha,ha. Good luck! Have fun and hold your head high!

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