Report on Jacksonville losing WT convention

by expatbrit 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    Hi again Loves,

    I never heard about it being self-contained,but who knows? I was just a lowly r/f sis........ I will admit it was very comfortable inside,compared to other places I grew up with.....ahh that bridge lol. I did a lot of the landscaping. The bros knew of my horticultural abilities (they had always remarked that my gardens were like what we could all do in 'paradise'(tm) so that's where I was put to work. I personally would have designed and planted differently. The area had/has so much potential for creative gardening expression but..............
    I remember my horror at being told to pull up perennial bulbs every year ,they simply tossed them away and gave me new ones. I tried to explain that these came back every year,no need to do this and that they actually would mulitply and look nicer if left alone.........but noooooooooooooo,sisters have no sayso in that kinda stuff.
    Really stupid and horribly wasteful. Somebody had no sense of color design depth balance arrangement etc etc could have been very's not. ramblin thoughts here,luv,Tina

  • safe4kids

    {{{{{{{{{{Expat}}}}}}}}}}} Great thread, thanks for the info!

    (Comf, who the hell you callin' a tampon???! )

    This info is very interesting to me as I live in Florida, near Tampa (glaring at Comf) and have gone to many conventions here. Years ago we had conventions in Lakeland (my hometown) and then later switched to St. Pete at the Bayfront Center...I've been gone awhile now but I was under the impression that the conventions were held in St. Pete AND Jacksonville...we were NEVER asked to drive that far away for a convention (except of course for the international ones), seems ridiculous to me to ask those in that area of Florida to make the trip down here. Surely there are enough Jdubs in FL to have more than one convention site!!??!! At least, there used to be....
    In 31 years of being a witless, I too put in my food service, cleaning before during and after conventions, and cashiering...I always liked working b/c then I didn't have to sit there and listen to all the boring talks! But I always fell for the bulls**t about us needing to reach ever deeper to help cover the astronomical expenses...never even considering..WHAT expenses with slave labor doing all of the work?? And, for as long as I can remember, we had to purchase parking tickets...anybody know what's up with that??


    "..wooking pa nub in all da rong places.."

    Eddie Murphy (I think)as

  • reagan_oconnor
    thousands of Tampons won't have to travel

    I nearly pissed myself when I read this... first class in their pretty pink boxes? Deoderant or regular? Super-absorbent or "light days"?

    Sorry, It's the end of the week 'round here...


    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • Michael3000

    WOW! - again!

    I didn't know there were so many of us here that have enjoyed the environs of the Jacksonville Colesium! Baptized there, as a matter of fact. I grew up in Interlachen, FL (the armpit of Putnam County). Some of my earliest memories are of conventions there - what are those interior walls made of, anyway? Looks like straw sprayed with cement or some kind of epoxy. My little brother David & I used to try and borrow some binoculars for checking out who was asleep, goofing around, or cute girls. I perfected a method of resting my head in my hands and dozing off during those boooooring symposiums. Just TRY to stay awake as 3 burritos and a lemon-lime Shasta are twisting their way through your digestive system!


  • joelbear


    I love all these convention memories.

    Have any of you floridians run across a guy named John Henry in your congregations. He was a buddy of mine in Jax, but he married and moved.

    I'm curious as to where he ended up.



  • OrangeBlossom

    "I don't see it. When it's in your town, you don't have to travel but everybody else does. When it's in another town, you have to travel but the people who live there don't. Sending thousands of Jacksonvillians to Tampa also means thousands of Tampons won't have to travel. It balances out"

    Not quite! Tampa has always had conventions there and often overcrowded at that. Now add all the Jacksonville folk that now have to travel to Georgia and Tampa and you have more overcrowding. Besides, you are talking dozens of congregations in Jacksonville alone that now have to go elsewhere. It doesn't really matter to me, I'm trying to figure out a way not to go at all this year. I'm hoping to catch a summer-long flu bug or something. Pray for me!

  • teejay
  • teejay


    >>The WTS may or may not know it, but among local heavies this whole
    >>subject is becoming a very sore one. They would probably be surprised at
    >>what loyal JWs "in the know" are saying to one another about this.


    >>Sore indeed, Marvin; you do know whereof you speak. I doubt that even
    >>Gerald Grizzle knows what many REALLY thinkā€¦ Similar to what's going
    >>on with the blood issue. If they knew what many heavies REALLY think ...

    Does it really matter what the 'local heavies' think? Put all their collective
    opinions in a cup, add six bits and you might be able to buy a cup of coffee.
    They aren't 'paid' to think. They are paid to follow orders. Knowing what's
    good for them, they do as good Nazis did -- they shut the hell up, bite their
    tongues like well-behaved children, do as they are told, and afterwards
    send disingenuous 'thank-you' notes for the privelge of 'serving.' I shed no
    tears for such 'shepherds.'

    btw, welcome to the board, the both of you. i look forward to more posts
    from you.


  • Moxy
    It doesn't really matter to me, I'm trying to figure out a way not to go at all this year. I'm hoping to catch a summer-long flu bug or something. Pray for me!

    i think its really sad that you would say this. i understand how you feel and i dont have any better ideas to give you. i just think its really sad that someone would say this, even half-jokingly. i just wanted to say that.


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    You said: "It doesn't really matter to me, I'm trying to figure out a way not to go at all this year. I'm hoping to catch a summer-long flu bug or something. Pray for me!"

    I recommend cat scratch fever if you can manage to find a cat that will infect you. I guarantee you at least three months of flu symptoms and swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, antibiotic therapy, and bedrest. In my case it lasted a lot longer than three months due to misdiagnosis; if you find a small-town GP you might get to do antibiotic roulette for months and get a lymph node biopsied for Hodgkin's before a specialist figures out what's really happening and prescribes the right drug to kill the bug. You could miss the summer ass-emblies and maybe even the next circuit ass-emby too.

    By the time I was genuinely on the mend, I was pretty much forgotten by the congo, and was able to do an easy fade into real life.

    The down side of this one is that you will have to forgo the pleasure of living with cats for the rest of your life.

    Maybe it would be easier to fib and SAY you have some disease; it's not really lying, consider it Theocratic War Strategy...

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