Currently, Who Is Your Favorite Politician??

by minimus 102 Replies latest social current

  • SixofNine

    Our next president, Wes Clark, is also uniquely well suited for leadership in the time of crisis that the entire western world finds itself in right now. And domestically, we all need leadership with genuine integrity to remind us (every day Americans) that service and integrity and honesty really count, and really are the better ways. We need a president who can inspire ordinary Americans to overcome their cynicism and participate in democracy and securing our own freedoms.

    For those who realize that civilisation and progress and freedom and our childrens lives (and even our lives) are truly threatened by GW Bush and co, I applaud your vision, but please look very hard at who can best compete against his political machine, and then be careful not to work at odds with that. *cough* euphemism *cough*

  • Euphemism

    Taken to PM.

  • IronGland

    My favorite politician is Bill Clinton. How can anyone not like Bill Clinton? Even if you dont like his policies. I also like Bob Dole but he's retired.alt

  • jgnat

    Sir Winston Churchill. Farkel??? Never make it. He won't equivocate. I vote for Brummie. Everybody needs a tummy to rub.

  • Scully

    Currently, I really like Jean Chrétien. Because he's retiring.

    Love, Scully

  • iiz2cool

    Scully, I like John Cretin for the same reason.


  • minimus

    btw----where is Brummie??

  • crownboy

    Wes Clark seems like a nice candidate, but I would still take Dean over him (no need to cough, Six ). The economy trails "homeland security" big time in pols over what Americans care about most (whether this is a good sign or not is debatable), so Wes Clark's military experience, while admirable, isn't that important. Besides which, John Kerry would fulfill the military angle just as well, and he also has political experience. Howard Dean seems to have inspired new voters to come on board in the next election, something that could really make the difference in the end. A Dean/ Clark ticket would be great, but I think if Clark doesn't win the nomination, he'd rather have a high level cabinet position than be vice president, so I forsee John Edwards being the vice presidential candidate for whoever wins the nomination (because I doubt he'll win it himself).

    But none of these national guys actually rank as my favourite politican. I greatly admire the Attorney General of my home state (and next governor of NY ), Elliot Spitzer, for going after the corrupt Wall Street and corporate types long before this stuff became national headlines.

  • minimus

    Wes Clark will never be president. He's not a team player. Look for Dean--Bush. Kerry is done. () Unless Bush does something really stupid, I expect that he'll get re-elected. I think if Hillary Clinton ever got in this race, she could win. She's a tough lady.

  • patio34

    I LIKE Dennis Kucinich's policies, but realize he doesn't have a chance against Bush. So, I'd vote for Wes Clark, who is a good candidate to put up vs. Bush.

    Six, I concur with your assessment and wouldn't throw away my vote on someone who couldn't win.

    I like John McKain also.


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