All the culty name that were used instead of JWs
by kairos 31 Replies latest jw friends
stan livedeath
oh--sorry --no--thats what we fondly call them.
My mother showed her age the last time I talked to her - she used the term "the brethren"
I've always while growing up in the Borg that they always said "the organization". that should tell you something right there. Do Catholics and Lutherans and others refer to their religion as the organization? That tells you it's not actual "religion" right there. I asked my mother about than once and he had no answer.
My Name is of No Consequence
stan livedeath
how about words like--the drive---the effort--or that mouthful....the rendezvous for service ?
Oh yes, good ol' rendezvous. That guidance from the holy spirit to call the "area study" as we used to call it or Tuesday night mtg at someone's home didn't last a year if that long. I guess Jehover spoke to Knorr one night after having a couple shots of some bourbon to help with sleep of course and told him don't use that word anymore.
The New World Society......Knorr's pet name. Remember it well.
Colporter ? not sure of the spelling