JW apologetics websites.

by Steel 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Steel


    Lately I have been studying some basic Christology and Jesus in the old testament and why first Christians believed Jesus was god in the flesh. Really interesting stuff. I am not really sure if I fully understand it but I do now realize why pastors go to university and bible school for a number of years and also how their beliefs are not just based on a few verses that can be edited in the NWT.

    To be fair I often visit some JW apologetic websites to try and get the other side of the story. I don't know if I am just stupid but I literally find this stuff so complex and twisted , it just goes over my head. Also it is just so bloody boring.

    My question is

    A. Is there anything to these websites ? Or are they just bloody nonsense.

    B. When you were in , did you think or ever think you understood the bamboozle.

  • steve2

    As I have gotten older, I have increasingly viewed doctrinal arguments "For" and "Against" as a total waste of time. Few people ever "change" their views on this topic.

    To me, when I believed in God, I was largely persuaded that the Trinity was unbiblical because the Jews - in Scripture, God's original chosen people - did not conceptualize or believe in the Trinity.

    Yes, there are verses scattered throughout the Bible that show the Biblical writers strayed from the Jewish view - but it all boils down to "argument".

    You are right to acknowledge the complexity of the issues bearing upon this centuries-long debate over the Trinity. And you are not alone in being unsure if you fully understand Christology, but it is a unfair to characterize the JWs monotheistic view as 'bamboozling' - just as it would be unfair for JWs to characterize those who believe in the Trinity as being bamboozled by the intricacies of the Trinity.

  • sparrowdown

    Religions like WT don't have to make sense to be effective they just need to twist your mind into a pretzel.

    Then people argue over the shape of the pretzel. When they have chosen what they think is the true shape of the pretzel they defend and support their precious pretzel.

    Religion = madness = power = control = tax exempt free ride.

  • Steel

    I think it's unfair to compare academic theology to watchtower who ha. Of course that is more personal opinion.

    The problem I have is there are websites just dedicated to obscuring and isolating bible certain bible verses. Just try and Jesus and his God or Robert king. Freaking nuts.

  • slimboyfat

    Which websites?

    Personally I think a good case can be made for JW Christology.

  • Steel

    What is jw Christology?

  • Steel


    Jesus and his God


    Jesus son of jehovah

    Both sites are decided to disproving trinity proof texts with insanely long and complex explanations.

  • slimboyfat

    I googled. Still not sure exactly what sites you mean.




    JW Christology is the JW view of Jesus, including ideas such as: Jesus is an angel; he was created by God and has a beginning; he is not equal to God in power or eternity; he was elevated to his position by God; he worships God as other creatures do; when Jesus became human he did not have a dual nature; now Jesus is an angel again in heaven; he did not retain a human nature after his resurrection; he was resurrected with a spiritual body not a fleshly body, and so on. All of these ideas can be well defended from various Bible texts.

  • baker

    My two cents is that so many half truths and untruths have come from the writers of the watchtower, that whatever they say about the trinity is either a half truth or untruthful. Cant trust this organization to even give the correct time of the day.

  • Steel

    I do believe Jesus being a physical manifestation of God in the flesh in both the old and new really holds more credibility if the scriptures are sincerely studied.

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