New Jobs Coming? Where Have You Worked at?

by 1234 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1234

    With many people's jobs been put and "on hold" and other people's jobs going away for good, I couldn't help but think about all the different jobs I've had over the years. I have been able to adapt and make do. Maybe this will kick in again....or maybe not. I don't think of any of these jobs as better or worse....just what was necessary at the time.

    These have been my vocations over the years. Please tell us what you have done in the past to put bread on table.

    First job, pulling weeds in my neighbor's yard.

    High school was pot washer at Italian Delicatessen and a cook at Taco Bell.

    When I was Pioneering it was Sandy's hamburgers and carpet layer.

    At Bethel it was Laundry, book bindery, Elevator operator and bundler on a printing press.(G job I was a clerk in a liquor store and house painter)

    After Bethel it was house painter and carpet cleaner.

    Then it was Trim-line distributorship in Rhode Island, Louisiana and Oregon.

    Lumber broker at Suntree Lumber and Division manager at Western International Forest Products.

    In 1990 I became a Real Estate Agent and broker for 22 years. I also drove cab for Radio Cab for six months when the crash in Real Estate happened in 2008.

    In 2012 OPC timeshare

    2012 till now owner of Sedona Wine Tours and Sedona Vineyard tours.


    How about you?

  • RubaDub

    I don't know about other areas, but they keep showing on the local news here (South Florida) about all the jobs that are available such as:

    - US Postal Service

    - Home Depot

    - Lowes

    - Publix (major food chain)

    - Amazon (we have a huge warehouse down here)

    and about a dozen others.

    I guess you have to bring yourself to the fact that you may end up dead if you catch the virus but at least you died having a job.

    Rub a Dub

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Lower pay ,fewer benefits, part time. Amazon has a reputation as a slave driver.

    In the longer term think about the jobs that may come back. Be a machine technician or repairman or programmer. Engineer products or processses. Do not become the button pusher though. I became very good at looking at reengineering things to bring cost down, or just to make manufacturing feasible.

    My feeling is the waiting tables for tips and flipping burgers will decline.

  • Tameria2001

    My husband works in auto manufacturing (in the braking system of the auto). He is on layoff because Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, GMC, BMW, Toyota, Audi, and Buick are not producing cars at the moment. His plant is thinking it will be at least August before they will be back to work, hopefully. At the moment he is drawing unemployment, along with many many others.

  • WTWizard

    And why not start a business to manufacture items that are being throttled by the big companies? True, they have virtually all the description terms describing their products trademarked to restrict the competition (this needs to be put to a stop--they need to have people countersuing for using this to throttle production of vital products). I mean "Select A Size"--all the synonyms are trademarked? They need to punish the companies that are throttling production of these products by allowing these description terms on the public domain and countersuing the big giants for throttling production. Maybe then we will get toilet paper and paper towels back on the shelves on a permanent basis. If Kleenex goes out of business for this, so what.

    We need these products back. How many companies make bleach? What about hand sanitizer? Disinfectant wipes and spray? How hard is it to make 91% isopropyl alcohol? (That is what rubbing alcohol is.) Even dish soap, laundry detergent, and regular soap is getting hard to find, long after the panic buying and hoarding has subsided. And, if Proctor & Gamble doesn't like it, too bad. Lysol and Clorox also need a painful lesson that, if they don't produce their products to replenish the shelves, someone in a garage is going to start making them and putting them on our store shelves. If they are as good as the big brands, these big companies might find themselves out of business. And I wouldn't mind seeing a new era where there are 80 brands of soap that are actually made by 80 different companies.

    And Walmart? They can try bullying everyone by not carrying said products. I wonder how long it will take Walmart to go out of business if their toilet paper and hand sanitizer shelves remain empty because they refuse to buy from independent companies that refuse to sell out, while all their competitors and small shops have plenty of disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer. Will customers continue shopping Walmart for empty shelves if stores like Publix, Wegmans, Raleys, and smaller independent stores that could become the next Wegmans or Publix have plenty of these items with stable supplies and no purchase limits?

    Yes, there are plenty of business opportunities--and they need to make an executive order that enforces antitrust laws already on the books. No more using trademarks to prevent independent businesses from displacing Kleenex, Lysol, and Proctor & Gamble. No more having Walmart dictating who gets to sell products. It is time for small independent businesses to start creating these essential products, providing jobs for those working in those areas. And while they are at it, start working on generic drugs to treat these viruses, along with supplements that actually work to prevent people from getting sick. Yes, it is harder to produce a zinc formula that works than a hand sanitizer. But again, they need to lose patent protection on our key nutrients so the smaller entities can get in so we can have zinc and vitamin C back on our shelves instead of decades- or centuries-long shortages.

  • smiddy3

    I don`t know where the new jobs are coming ,but you did ask where have you worked at ?

    Left school at 14 worked in Leathergoods taking on an apprenticeship

    After 12 years decided I needed a change and got a job with Kodak in the testing laboratory for 5 years.

    An encounter with some old friends took us interstate and I landed a job with a help from that friend in the oil industry as a lab technician for another 5 years .left their went interstate again and spent another year with the same company.

    Went interstate again and got a job with Boral bitumen /roadworks and spent a year there.Left there and spent another year this time with Pacific films preparing chemicals for the photographic developments .

    Somewhere in between all of this I spent a year in NSW and going from D2D so to speak landed a Job at Eric Worrells Reptile Park near Gosford and spent a year there.That was very memorable feeding and cleaning up after the wildlife ,one of the highlights of my life.I always regret not getting my son to take photo`s of me looking after these wildlife in my day to day work.

    And finally I went back to Qld and got a job with Amoco refinery as a lab technician that was eventually taken over by BP and I ended up their for 28 years .

    And i am now retired .Not everything there is in chronological order I just spoke as a memory came to mind .

    The reason I moved around so much was because of the religion and I just trusted Jehovah would look after us as a family and in the early days jobs were relatively easy to come by .

    I was very naive .And I was just bloody lucky .I shudder to think how we could have ended up .

    But looking back now we had a great life ,and had some great experiences ,who else could say they hand fed fairy penguins or had an eagle momentarily perched on their shoulder or fed Dingoes , and fed platypus .?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath


    "In 2012 OPC timeshare"

    ha haa--i'm one of the few on here that know what that means.

    i sold timeshare in 1991 /2 in florida, lanzarote, and wales --all from offsite offices in torquay and winchester UK. i was quite good at it.

  • 1234

    Yes you are right Stan I didn't think anyone would know what that

    Your right also Smiddy this was a thread about where people have worked at....

  • RubaDub

    Lower pay ,fewer benefits, part time. Amazon has a reputation as a slave driver.

    road to nowhere ...

    Yes, I have never heard anything good about Amazon, except for the occasional manager on TV who says how great of a place it is to work. Seems like the rank and file see it in a much different light. It also wouldn't surprise me if some of the jobs offered are part time (under 32 hours per week here) so an not having to pay full benefits.

    I guess a lot of the hiring has to do with delivery people. Food stores, FedEx, US Postal Service, etc. And the home supply stores (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) seem very busy every time I have driven by. I guess it's a good time to get projects done when you are out of work. I already built an above ground garden and have 5 of those Earth Box things in there (I made my own, the ones you buy are pretty expensive). I may start a thread and see if anyone else has tried them.

    Rub a Dub

  • Betheliesalot

    Major telephone company OSP tech/ installation/FTTP. Fiber to the Prem.

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